I totally wish I had invented the Post-It Note.
Reason One - Because I use them like an addict and,
Reason Two - Because I would love the monetary reward for such a silly yet profound invention.
My Post-It addiction started at a young age. My Mom and Dad both worked and being a "Key Latch Kid", Post-It Notes were left daily on the counter top to communicate "To-Dos" and "Don't Forgets" and "I Love Yous". And I loved it. If you're important enough for a Post-It Love Note in your sack lunch, you're pretty dang important.
Anyway, the Post-It addiction has grown and morphed and I will admit, that I have already created a growing summer "Must Do" list that spans pages and includes little things like, "Blow Bubbles in the Park" and "Make Kool-Aid Popsicles" and big things like "Camping on the Henry Mountains". The languid days of summer are calling my name and I am going to soak them all in with my little brood and probably some water balloons and kites.
Besides, you know your little ones are getting cabin fever
when two suckers just simply won't do...
And they begin to lie restlessly amongst a pile of their toys.
So, lemme have it. As you stare out your window today at the frosted landscape, what summer activity promises to make it on your list?
I'll probably jot it down on a Post-It note and then add it to the "Master List"...
We seriously need to invent something..just one good idea is all it takes..hmmmm
and as for my Summer list, it invloves Lake Powell...camping (against my better judgement:) chatting with my neighbors while the kids run amuck..and so on
WHAT THE HECK!!! I leave the blog-o-sphere for a couple of months and come back to THIS?! You have TODDLERS! What happened to your baby boys?! GOOD GRIEF GIRL!! Glad to see all is well in your world ;)
7 peaks or Raging Waters and Lagoon our on my list this year...we didn't make it there last year. We'll have to go toether
You better plan a trip out to the land of the Sunshine! I could fill an entire Post-it pad with ideas...Tide Pools, Ghiradelli Square, Trolley rides, San Jose Children's Museum, Beaches, beaches, beaches, Monterrey Bay Aquarium...do I need to keep going?
Just admit it already....you so want to be a snowbird right now and come visit your friend in AZ who is enjoying the 71* weather right now!! Come on, you know you want to!! :-)
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