Monday, September 24, 2018

When Ace Face Turned 7...

It's LUCKY #7 again in our house - this time for Ace Face.  Who looks a little bit like a seven-year-old and a lot like a smiley Jack-o-Lantern thanks to all those missing teeth.
Ace spent his day at school this year, followed by soccer practice and then a football game.  He's a busy boy but there is always time to celebrate one of our cool little dudes.
Per his long put in request Ace got a remote control shark (which is only the size of his hand but he doesn't seem to care.  He also got a kayak and then a plethora of Nerf Guns, Stomp Rockets, and weaponry fit for a birthday King.
Here is a list of SEVEN things we love about Ace a' Spades:

7.  He is animal obsessed.  Went through a hard core jungle cat phase (may still be in it) and is now all about monkeys and alligators.  National Geographic is his channel of preference.
6.  He is speedy.  This guy feels the need for speed whether he is running routes in the back yard or chasing down the ball in soccer, he is a fast little cheetah.  In fact in his football game on his birthday he ran for two touch downs and yanked the flags of the opposing team members like a boss.
5.  Ace is not afraid of the spotlight.  He is usually the cutie who is dancing to the music for a crowd, telling a very detailed tale to a group of buddies or testing out any and all microphones.
4.  Ace is a great sharer.  Maybe it's because he's the third boy in our family, but he has no qualms giving up chunks of a candy bar or handing over a new Nerf Gun for someone else to try.  
3.  Ace is our healthiest little eater.  He loves avocado toast, oatmeal, bananas and carrots more than any person I've ever met.  He abhors ice cream and popsicles and most other fancy deserts.
Like whaaaa????
2.  Ace is equal parts sweet and sassy - ok maybe it's more like a 80-20 split.  But when he has gone to the dark side it's hella hard to get him to see the light and his facial expressions let you know how disgusted he is with the current situation.  I like to say he takes after his daddy.  :) #stubbonstreak
1.  Ace is a fantastic friend, he is smart, social, athletic and a pretty awesome little human.  He gives us all hugs and sweet words freely, and doesn't hold back smiles or laughter.  We love getting to watch him do life his way and we are so happy he belongs to our family.
 He is also King of the trampoline park and loved having so many of his buddies bouncing around to celebrate together.
You're one awesome hombre, Ace.
Happy SEVENTH Birthday, Bud!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Gardner Gang...

I love that Ryan has learned to endure a great many oddities about me, but particularly the one where I feel in my bones the need to polish up my little people and get annual pictures taken. 

You guys I cherish them above all the other things in my life.  I love love love to look at these little grins as they evolve (notice Ace's toothless grin) 
I love to look at the brother bond in different phases of it's growth and development.
 I love to see the different characteristics of their faces in black and white photos... 
Little nuances you don't notice in color pictures seem to pop in black and white. 
 I love every bit of being the wife and mama to this group of guys.  They are loud and wild and free and full of little moments of the purest love.  It's not all roses and rainbows, but at the end of the day when I think back on all the busy moments, it's easiest to pick those moments out and smile.
See what I mean?
I love you forever Gardner Guys.
And many thanks to my cousin Christal for always capturing my wild things in their best lights.
 Until next year...