Can we talk about how these little gents of mine are looking not a day shy of fifteen?
How is this even cool? Hash tag, Hatin' it.
I mean, these two big littles of mine might as well be sitting around some kidney bean shaped table in pin striped suits commentating on the upcoming Super Bowl... they look sooooo old.
And friggin' handsome.
And pretty dang wise if I'm being honest.
And the "supposedly" little little is making me swoon. He is our animal baby.
Hash tag, Ace Ventura Pet Detective.
He snuggles with his "da" -dog- and he carries around "neeeeees" -horsies- and he identifies nearly every jungle animal as "yion" ALL day LONG.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the oldest little told me, "Mommy, don't howd my hand" when I walked him into preschool. And after I picked up my jaw from the cold hard side walk, I debated in my head whether or not to act cool and go with it, or to swoop him up, swaddle him and rock him to sleep like the newborn that he just barely was. I swear he's gonna drive me to more baby makin'.
Hash tag, Dust off the ole' ovaries.
(For the record he came around when he asked me for a kiss after we removed his shoes and coat.)
Whew. That was a close one.
Dax caught Acers climbing onto the end tables and pulling at the lamp. He dropped everything, sprinted across the room and pulled him down (not so gently) to administer a little spanky spanky action. "No No, Acey Boo", he said. "Do NOT touch Mommy's wamp."
Acers laughed like a hyena. And Daximus dutifully walked over to me and said, "You're wewcome."
Hash tag, what do I do with that?
And these riveting details?
Well, these are the days of our lives right now in the most monochromatic month of the year.
Which brings with its monotony a few old games and a few new games.
Like we went swimming.
We went bowling.
Both of my big littles swim like fish and chuck eight pound balls like they've been training for the shot put their entire lives. Oh yes, because they have been.
And then there are the goodies but oldies...
Like we went swimming.
We went bowling.
Both of my big littles swim like fish and chuck eight pound balls like they've been training for the shot put their entire lives. Oh yes, because they have been.
And then there are the goodies but oldies...
Hash tag, what would we do without you Play Doh?
And our cowboy gear makes appearances every single day in some form or another.
Hash tag, tiny "wodeo" cowboys rock my socks off.
And alas, the fine dining continues well past the holidays.
Hash Tag, Cheddar Explosion Spirals are Number One.
Hash Tag, Cheddar Explosion Spirals are Number One.
T minus how many days until our beach vacation?
P.S. Am I even understanding the concept of hash tags? Or have I slaughtered yet another form of online, social media communication? Do tell...
You nailed the hashtags. Haha! And welcome to facebook where you will find out all kinds of useless random info about everyone.
Fun post and cute kiddos!
You make me laugh every day, well every day I check up on ya! Thanks for the comment on the running. You have to understand that IF I lived in your neck of the woods I WOULD not be a runner. I am a whimp! I did go running this morning, it was 12 degrees out, almost froze my kester off! I usually don't go when it's that cold, but I was already a mile out when I figured out I was freezing. I guess that's the plus of getting up at the butt crack of dawn and running, you aren't even awake before mile 2. Keep on running! If I have space in my Ragnar Wasatch Back team would ya wanna be on it? Think about how much fun you'd have in a van with Bryant and I and a few others! :)
Oh how I wish I were cool enough to understand hash tags. Buy that ship sailed about 2 years and 7 months ago.
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