Monday, September 30, 2013

Of Sore Muscles and Sentiments...

I'm kind of having an emotional breakdown/berserk moment here.  My kids have been flipping through the pages of our family books lately and yelling out things like, "YOOK!  There's baby Kael!" or "OH!  Baby Daxi is so 'COOT'!"  It is amazing and adorable that they are old enough to know that they were once those tiny babies peering back up at them from the pages.  All but Acers, who insists that every baby is "Baby Weston" from across the street.  :)

Every time they open those books I feel nostalgia creep in with all it's happy achiness.  It's like having a sore rear after doing a few sets of lunges... good and bad all wrapped up into one sensation.  So, I've learned to smile at the images within and then close the books and look at the same boys who are here - just bigger and much more talkative.  And smile even bigger.

I've been mindful of my sentimental side my whole life.  It's masked with loud laughter and animated stories, but it's there, nonetheless, especially at the close of each day when I am acutely aware of the sunset and another twenty-four hours written for the history books.  I'm learning to nurture that sentimental sappiness for growing babies and change into a good thing.  

I want it to serve as a motivational tool rather than a rut that makes me yearn for yesterday or focus too much on how quickly time is passing.  Because I'm pretty sure that focusing too much on how quickly time is passing, and mourning the fact that it's gone, only makes it exponentially worse.  

Besides... right now is awesome with a side of fan-freakin'-tastic.  
So onward, ever onward we go.
A new day.  A clean slate.  A fresh season.
Whatever will we write in our chapter this week?

1 comment:

lisa louise said...

soooo? have we sidelined the conversation we had over breadsticks and dipping sauce?