Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Something New...

Want to know what makes me really nervous?
Putting myself out there.
I know that sounds like the world's biggest farce since I do, in fact, write on a regular basis about my darling family and all that being a family entails here.
But to me, this is just like talking to my neighbor across the street or calling my friends or sisters to chat about life.  It's what I do day in and day out.  It's comfy and safe.

But I'm jumping into the Blogosphere in what I hope to be a more professional way and it basically terrifies me.  To say, "Hey, I really would like you to check in," and "Hey, I hope you find this to be a bright spot in your day," and "Hey, will you spread the word and help me make this puppy work?"
I feel like I'm standing buck naked in the middle of Times Square for all to see.

So at the risk of sounding needy (oh wait, I am) or clueless (oh yes, that's also true) or GULP, hopeful?
You know what would make me really just punch drunk happy?

You, giving us a shot.
Will you do me a solid and check out a new blog-venture I'm having with my bestie over at:

And if you likey, just come on back again and again and tell another sista friend or twelve.
Okey Dokey.
Pride Swallowed.
Fingers Crossed.
Thanks a million in advance.
And good joo-joo all the way around.

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