Thursday, April 7, 2011

We're All About Parking...

OK, I've accepted the fact that I no longer live in Arizona. It is spring here in the Rockies and that means it is currently snowing and when it isn't, and the sun is shining, it lasts mere moments before the next wind, hail or rain storm. And you know what we do then?

Fetch, we high-tail it to the park to capture those ever so fleeting rays.
We've got energy to burn people.

And I figure that playing on the swings and the slides in cool fifty degree weather can only make for hearty little boys, right? And who doesn't want a couple of little toughies like these?

Exhibit A - The Swings.

Do you not love the swings? Let me explain the phases of swinging that I have learned to recognize in every single kid on the globe that I have ever witnessed swinging:

Emotion 1 - Sheer, Unadulterated Bliss. Giggles, smiles - Ahhhh - Swings.
Emotion 2 - Just Joy. Happy to be there. Still Smiling. In for the Ride.
Emotion 3 - Entering a Trance-like Phase that stems from a kid's days of infancy... you swing 'em - they start to get a little sleepy.
Emotion 4 - Snap to It. Yell That You're Done. Get Your 'A' Outta There before You're really Asleep. On to the next "thing" at the park. Whew - close call.

No lie - watch next time. You'll see the cycle.

Exhibit B - The Slide.

I could have taken ninety-two series of pictures just like this one. Big K thinks that climbing the stairs to the big red slide is better than Christmas. His little cheeks grin EVERY single time he makes the decent. And then he is off and running (the long-way of course) to repeat this hysterical process.

Exhibit C - Snacks.

Mostly we never stop snacking. Why stop when you can so obviously multi-task? Like, what kind of kid can't put food in his mouth while swinging or sliding? I don't know - I've never met one - mine are all about calories in/calories out. But there are those rare quiet moments when we actually just sit and down a Teddy-Graham in between "things". And look cute and introspective - though I doubt there are too many deep thoughts swimming around in there.

And suddenly you're glad you lugged out that quilt and took the extra minute to throw some sweet stuff in your bag. You are a champion park mama with gold medal park babies. And you'll earn your reward come bed time, my dear. Which may or may not fall a few minutes sooner than a non-park day.


Mel said...

So true about the swings! I Love watching kids on the swings especially the giggling babies! So dang cute!
Still snowing eh? Time to get your fanny back down to AZ where we are experiencing the beautiful low 80's!

Jill said...

Just one question....who are you burning?