Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blue Lagoon...

I will admit to striving to be your local I-Hop on some Saturday mornings.

* However *
Mama's got a new rule. And it goes something like this:

No blueberry syrup will be served to anyone under the age of 12 here at the
Gardner residence ever again.
I am a mean mama... Bwa ha ha ha!
And I thought finger painting with pudding was bad...
Little Mess Makers.


The Belnaps said...

look at you little least they are eating it..I made crepes this morning and mags wouldn't touch it...little stinker

The Sutherland Family said...

At 1st I thought it was lipstick haha! Cute little mess makers =)

Mel said...

haha! I love the cheerio stuck on Dax's cheek. Hilarious!