Monday, December 22, 2014

The North Pole...

Welp.  We did it.  We held our first ever North Pole party with the wee cousins.  
And how we WISH all our little buddies could have joined us... but alas, we missed our northerly friends.  Smooches you guys!
We started out the night by making Reindeer food for Santa's team.  When I was setting everything out, RyGar was doing one of those eye rolls where you worry his eye balls might actually dislodge from their sockets and roll right on down the street?
Yep, Those.
But hey, look!  My efforts in the "Reindeer Food Bar" proved to be worth every minute.  It's gonna be fantastic to sprinkle our food on the lawn on Christmas Eve!  We may never see the end of the red glitter on the kitchen floor, but I'll probably smile every time I mop up some more sparkles.
While we were decorating cookies there was a knock on the door and we found a red velvet bag with a letter on official Santa stationary from Mister Claus himself!  
He told the boys and their cousins that while he was doing a "fly by" last night to check on us, he dropped some things out of his sleigh.  He was hoping the kids could help him find all of his missing items and leave the bag on the doorstep so Santa could collect it later that night.
They rushed around like little crazed chickens and finally lugged on shoes and coats and gathered flashlights to scour the hood for Santa's lost things.  Santa is usually a far more responsible chap!
It was kind of epic in every way.  This picture of Dax Man is basically case-in-point.
I am happy to report - we recovered ALL of Santa's important things...
And the rest, as they say, is history.
There was a Christmas movie and popcorn and cookies.  
There was the part where my babies held a teeny tiny baby and felt bigger than their britches.
And then there was the crash after the sugar high they had all experienced.
 ROUGH I tell ya.  :)
Would I do it again?  Come on... you already know the answer to that.
I mean, look at the smiles?
Next Year -- Same time, Same place.

1 comment:

The Sutherland Family said...

Omgosh, so darn cute! Thanks for doing this you are awesome!