Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Billion & One...

Here we have a billion and one pictures of the cutest four-year-old boy in the Universe.  

And there we have a big boy who told me as we pulled in to the parking lot for this little photo shoot, "Oh, the picture taking place!  I haven't been here in a yonger time, Mommy!  I'll be bery good and then I can get three cupcakes cause I'm four now."

And THAT is a solid plan - hatched out of pure genius, is what I say.

Initially, picture taking ladies are suspicious.

But then they are downright hilarious, what with their frogs atop heads and rainbow colored fuzzy dusters that suddenly become crawling caterpillars ready to tickle.  

And there we have a bonafide Kaelster look.  Don't touch that one.  It's Trademarked to a guy who is affectionately called, Big K.

Who will bowl you over both literally and figuratively in just about every way you could never even imagine.  Here's a myth-buster... he really is as cute and adorable as he is in all these pictures.  Sometimes I don't even know how to handle all the cuteness that explodes out of that little face.  Usually, I just buy three cupcakes and hold his fat little hand as we lick chocolate icing together.
 .XO Little Man.

1 comment:

The Sutherland Family said...

Those are so stinkin cute! Love them!