Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Neraldean and Things...

Yeah, you read it right... the title of this post is "Neraldean" which is the hip name of my lil' niece Kayla's best boy friend that isn't a "boyfriend".
You pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?

And the whole reason I am dedicating a post to Neraldean, which is pronounced "Neural Dean" is because I fear that our new little man will be named something more desirable than the atrocity that is Neraldean, but not by a large margin, if we don't figure it all out very soon (my apologies ND, but you have to know your name doesn't exactly say "Rock Star").

Moving on... We have a list of names that we like and some of them we like quite a bit, but I haven't had the "Ah Ha" moment yet. Maybe I'm waiting for a sign like a bolt of lightning that spells out a name on my lawn or a telemarketer to call and ask for "X" and I'll think to myself, "Nope, he's not here yet, but he will be soon." Which happened in real life to some friends of ours. I don't know... we're just sort of stuck and it isn't for lack of trying - I think it is just the pressure of naming our third baby love in two years.

SO.... I'm calling on the help of the blogging world, which in many ways is a sci-fi land of unicorns and magic because it isn't quite reality and you can ask friends from all over the land to help you out with stuff like this. Tell us the names you would select for your next little blue bundle of joy if you were to have one right this instant and why you would name him that. Tell me what your hot cousin is named and I won't tell anyone that you have a secret crush on your cuz. Tell me what the cutest kid down the street is named and we'll pray that it isn't Neraldean. :)

And I know some of you have already been playing along... and to you, I say, Muchas Gracias... and PRETTY PLEASE play again?


jasmin said...
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jasmin said... Don't quite know what to say about that, but I do know how hard it is to come up with that perfect "Rock Star" name. We have 6 boys and with our last little one we were actually told it was a girl through two Ultrasounds and if you can imagine, it was a complete shock to us when we saw that it was another sweet little boy.We had No names picked out for a boy.He was just Baby Boy Dey for two days.The Nurses at the hospital were so sweet and brought us lists of their favorite names and a big book of baby names.So we found our sweet little Tanner through that.Hope you get some great ideas on your blog otherwise you might just be stuck with Neraldean.Who knows, you might grow to love it!

The Belnaps said...

Ok I'm in the same boat but here's a few...Rafe, Boone (saw that one on Skye Johansens blog..check it out again), Luke, Drew, Gavin, Beck, or Beckett, Finn (I know we've talked about that one)..sorry girl..I'll be thinking and good luck!

Chrystie said...

Oooooh, I feel your pain. Naming people is HARD! Here are some of the names I liked before we decided on Dax for our Dax. Good luck!


Preston says he likes the name "Preston."

Mel said...

D was Luke up to two days before he was born and B was Calen until the drive to the hospital. B #2 changed a million times and when I heard T's name is just clicked! You might just not know until you see him. Just keep reading over your list and one day it'll just click!
Here is my list
I like names that are different and not so common! Good luck! If you need to discuss further feel free to call or email me! I'm done with kids so you know I won't be a baby name stealer! LOL

Laurel said...

A friend of mine told me (when we had just had our #2) to yell all of your children's names aloud and add on the newest additions name to see if it fits. For example:

Kael! Dax! Zan!
Kael! Dax! Mason!
Kael! Dax! Spence!

Good luck....!

Melissa said...

Amber, I am sure the name you pick will be awesome, just like the other 2. Beau, Crew, Cruze, Tristan (especially fond of Tristan) he he he. GOOD LUCK!!

Amy B. said...

Really like Crue and Griffin (think when he's in HS and his friends call him Grif) and I love plain ol' Josh, Kyle, Ty and the like...good luck!

The Sutherland Family said...

I thought you had some good names on your list already. But I like Ryder, Bridger, Mason, Porter & Trey.

Liz said...

Oh the joys of finding a name.. I like some of the ones that have been listed above.
Do you want one syllable names or two? Here are the grandkids in our family....Austin, Easton, Tyson, Jamen, Stetson Heston and Bodie.

Above I like Ryder, Rafe (like on Pearl Harbor) titan, Talon, Boston, Crew.. Good Luck can't wait to hear the name you have chosen.

jasmin said...

I'll give you a few of my boys friends names that are cute. Bridger,Trevyn, Boston, stetson, Zach, Tyson, carson, Landon, Eli.

Lisa said...

i've given you every name i can think of already so i can do no more for you. except to say.. thanks for the shout out and... if you tell me YOUR favorite name that ryan is not quite on board with, i'll call and pretend to be a telemarketer. :)

Kimberly said...

I know I've given you all the names I can really think of, but here are a few I've come across in the last few days:


I love you guys! Good luck! I'll let you know if I come across any others...