I had a bit of a blah day Friday. Which is highly unlike me, but bound to happen every now and again. I blame it all my "New Year Discipline" and adhering to strict self-imposed regimens a la January. Which is lame, because really, I pride myself in a little harmless rule breaking every now again.
When we first had our two little Irish Twin babes, we got a sweet baby gift and a letter from my Aunt and Uncle, who happen to be the parents to five boys. I'll never forget what they said... "Boys will always push the limits. Let them break a few rules but help them know which rules it's OK to break. Pick your battles and have FUN with them."
Not that I doubted it, but seriously - they were REALLY spot on.
This one... he throws the rulebook right out the window with regard to social norms. And if I'm honest - I totally love it. So he feels like being a tiger today even though he knows he's a three-year-old boy? Well hells bells - he's gonna be a tiger. And he really embraces the role and growls at strangers and pounces on stuffed animals & throw pillows alike.
I'm envious of his freedom and I respect his commitment.
Which leads me to me. Yes, I'm going to achieve my goals this year, but not at the expense of turning up my nose ALL the time at a perfectly delicious peanut butter rice crispie treat or a wild day of unplanned play instead of tackling a gnarly to-do list, you know? I can't ever forget the study my darling Mother-In-Law pointed out to me, "Scientists have found that people with the sweetest and happiest dispositions actually have a higher intake of the sweet stuff, " she told me. And she followed it up with, "Which immediately made me think of you."
I may never know if she was pointing out my crazy sugar addiction or throwing me a genuine compliment or maybe both? But I love that. I love that a heart-shaped sugar cookie and some time at the local play ground, despite growing piles of laundry makes for literal happy hearts.
Bottom line...
We're going to be obeying MOST of the rules around here. Breaking some for fun. But being very specific about the ones we decide to toss to the wind.
Can I get a Hell Yeah?
Maybe with Gusto?
Thank you. :)
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