Friday, October 21, 2011

Muchas Grassy-Ass...

Ever spent your Tuesday afternoon vacuuming your lawn?
Well, I can check that little item off of my lifetime bucket list. :)
Consider it done.

Long story short here... Sunday night brought torrential winds in our neck o' the woods and our trusty (and very heavy, might I add) picnic table was whipped up in what must have been a mini-tornado in our back yard and dropped further down the cement slab that I romantically call my patio. Fast forward to shattered glass on the patio, in the grass, in the flower bed... Lovely.

Monday I was asked a mere ninety-eight times by the "Big Littles" to go "Out-seed" and I had to say no all ninety-eight times for fear that glass shards would be ingested, implanted, etc.

So.... Tuesday afternoon I wheeled out the shop-vac while Ace a' Spades and his brothers were napping and I vacuumed the entire patio and the surrounding grass. And I laughed, because... Brace yourself for an adult tongue twister...

There I sat on my As$
Sucking Glass from my Grass.

Say that five times fast.

Post Script Numero Uno... Dax fell off the porch (somehow) and landed in the flower bed mere moments after it had been vacuumed. No injuries were sustained.

Post Script Numero Dos... I was pumping while this happened and when I heard the thump and the silence followed by the wailing of a scared kiddo... I ran out the back door to my little love bearing my boobies for all to see.

Post Script Numero Tres... I recounted this entire story to RyGar and he said, "Don't you think it must be such a trip to be our back yard neighbors?"

Brought to you by the classiest folks in the hood.
Peace Out.


Mel said...

bahahahahahaha! The only words that come to mind are "Freakin' hilarious"!

The Belnaps said...

Totally least you weren't having a make-out session with your husband ..only to have a nursing pad fall out of your boob..totally a romance killer..Whatev..nursing boobs rock and your neighbors were probably just jeal!

PNRBAC said...

Love your stinkin' guts. The End.

Amy B. said...

Best post evah!!! Thanks for the giggles!