Friday, May 27, 2011


I decided to post pictures like these today.
Because I am the mama and I have author privilege on this little blog. :)

And I know what you're thinking - those kids are freakin' perfect as they sit like two old men playing checkers together. And you would be right. Yes, yes they are... pretty much perfect;

Except that I could have taken a series of pictures at Target yesterday where we had a full-on, lie in the bottom of the red cart, howl and kick, tears and snot tantrum by Big K. Accompanied by the harmonizing whining of Little D who threw everything in reach out of the cart and everything else in reach off of the displays and onto the floor.
It was the longest fifteen minutes known to the history of mankind.

All this over popcorn, if you can believe it. And it would have been MUCH easier to buy the dang popcorn and be on with it, but no body would have learned a thing from that.
Which blows because I wanted some popcorn too... Target's popcorn is like heroine (I think).

I texted Ryan after I reached the peaceful confines of the truck in one piece, glistening and blushing out of sheer disbelief and embarrassment and wondering if I should just drive myself to a psych ward and he replied,
"They don't mean it. Keep loving them. They adore their mama."

Hello, Buddha.
When did you eat my hubby and start using his phone to share your words of wisdom?

The thing is, I know they don't mean it. And I really am thanking my lucky stars that this was our first official tandem meltdown at insane decibels in a public place. And I will always love them regardless of tantrums and whining. I just solemnly realize that I have entered the days of discipline and I don't really want to have to be the disciplinarian. Can't there just be a little cricket that travels on the shoulders of my little men to do the dirty work? Pretty Please?

And since I'm guessing the answer to that rhetorical question is a big, fat NO, I'll just focus on rewarding positive behavior.
Like this.

Not our best picture ever, but one of the best outward expressions of brotherly love caught on camera....

Because by and large the bulk of what goes on around here is pretty dang fantastic. And I suppose the random "off" moment has to happen so we have a little yin and a little yang and we can really savor those yummy, perfect, heart-melting moments with our little ones.

Bottom line, I'm taking the following advice from someone who, in my opinion, nailed it...

Finger paint more and point the finger less.
Do less correcting and more connecting.
Take your eyes off your watch and watch with your eyes.
Care to know less and know to care more.
Take more hikes and fly more kites.
Stop playing serious and seriously play.
Run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
Do more hugging and less tugging.
Be firm less often and affirm much more.
-Diane Loomans

To tomorrow... (Ahem...pull out something sparkly here, or something loaded with caffeine and pour it in a fancy drinking vessel so we can toast one another...) may yours and mine be tantrum free and full of the sweet stuff.


Melissa said...

Dear Amber,
I love to read your blog! You have a incredible gift of writting. I mean incredible!!! I find your blog to be very uplifting, and todays especially when my 2 little ones are being little stinkers. You made me realize that I need to stop and breathe! Take in each moment I have with them. They grow up way to fast. Keep up the good blogging for all of us blog stalkers!! Can't wait for you to throw a 3 little man in the mix!! Your awesome!! Have a great holiday weekend. Are you spending it over the mtn? (wayne co?)

Mel said...

Oh should never go to Target without getting popcorn and a juicebox first. Makes your shopping trip FANTASTIC!
And let me just tell you that a tantrum at that age is nothing. Just wait until they have a tantrum like the one B (who's 6 BTW) had today in Sam's because he dropped his "sample" on the ground. I almost beat him and then I thought...maybe I should just leave him here...then my little cricket told me I can't do either and to just breathe and pretend nobody's watching. I'm still recovering! LOL!

Chrystie said...

Sorry about your first big tantrum! Unfortunately, it probably won't be your last. Hopefully they will get smaller instead of bigger as time goes on. Great job not giving in!!!