Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Art of Fort Building...

Aside from being an above average snow removal crew -- the little gents have decided to add "Expert Snow Fort Builders" to their resumes.
 Luckily they recruited an older, wiser (and very patient) coach from across the street to help them get a solid start.  And the rest, as they say, is history...
 I took these pictures on the last day of school as we entered Christmas break.  This also happened to be pajama day at school and old Kaelster stayed clad in his Angry Birds PJs all the day long.
 Dax built the biggest snow man base we have ever seen around these parts.  It was so big, in fact, that even after gathering up a few bigger neighbor boys, they just couldn't lift the second ball atop the base. No stress - they just worked it right into the structure of their fort.  They're nothing if not flexible.
And Ace stayed hydrated thanks to a seemingly never ending supply of shaved ice. 
 The sun was shining, the air was warm and the snow was perfectly pack-able.  Just right for building forts and snow men and snow balls.  And these little dudes were tenacious!  They started at about 3 pm and didn't end until we made them come in at dark.
 They even colored it with spray bottles full of colored water.  There was no rhyme or reason to it (of course) so it ended up being a multicolored lump of icy snow the next day.  Which only elicited more proud smiles and several new recruits who were ready to participate in Fort Building Day Two.
You gotta hand it to little men... they are born team players who seem to welcome all to their construction crew.  I loved watching their progress all afternoon and here we sit... just waiting for the current impressive storm to quite blustering so we can "add to our fort".  :)
It really is the little things.

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