Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Outline...

It is spring.  

Our trees are popping popcorn even as I type.  The bees are humming wildly in the sweet pink blossoms.  My kids are running around barefoot.  The sun is shining and the Easter bunny has made his magic. 

Is it not kind of amazing that seasons change?  There were days I questioned whether or not winter would end and here it is... coming to a sweet close. 

There is lots to type about... but nothing too out of the ordinary.... so I shall be brief and summative and present life's current outline...

A.  That Certain Song.
Strange as it may seem, my boys will smile and dance at the drop of a hat when they hear the tune, "Don't Stop Let It Rock."  I don't even know who sings it, and I don't care.  It is my secret weapon.  Our reset button.  Our smile maker for photos.  Our jam.  We love it.

And we love to make out to it.  :)

And as previously discussed... the matching jammies are just for me.  But really, can you blame me?
Hello Costco... meet Amber, who will buy all matching PJs that come in the appropriate sizes.

B.  Flying.
But not flying solo... Flying with Daddy.  

It is one of Ace's great loves.  He cannot stop those cheeks from grinning when he is in the air.

Or when he lands softly next to scruffy whiskers.
Neither can my big boy...

C.  Dirt.
Get dirty much?  Yeah, neither do we.  Unless you count this...

or This...

Sweet little grubby man.  I will never understand the affinity little boys have for dirt.  But I do understand why IFA can still sell overalls to mama's with boys.  We put 'em on, we take 'em off, we repeat.  At least a half dozen times a day.  They love to "Mow ma Mown" and "Pway dirt" in their "key pants".

D.  Owies.
This is a brand new concept this week.  We learned about them first hand when Kael bit Dax and left a mean red mark.  So we had a sit down about how we don't hurt people and that biting leaves owies that hurt.  It was a revelation for our little chomper for which we are very glad and he was so very apologetic and sweet.  Dax Man, though, he is a tough little hombre.  He did not fuss much at the bite nor did he notice the little red footprints he was leaving yesterday after scuffing up his piggies.  We did and we told him he had to come in to wash up his owies.  Here he is noticing them for the first time under those sweeping lashes of his.

We offered a Band Aid to which he replied, "Eww Icky.  Get it Off".  It was a Cars Band Aid no less.    And that is another example of the fundamental difference between boys and girls.  And a prime example that our Daximus is tough as nails.

E.  A Two-fer... Easter Baskets & Egg Hunts...
We talked about seeing the Easter Bunny Waddit... and we talked about how he brings baskets of treats and toys to good boys.  This morning it all clicked.  They likee this whole Easter basket idea.

 And I love how little man can sit up and get in on the action too.

And thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Gardner and Aunt Nett, they likee Egg hunts.  Dax was an animal busily scouting out the bright colored "balls" and running them back to his basket.   

Kaelster was into it too until he found a large petrified wood boulder and had to show us all the laws of physics and his potential in the World's Strongest Man contest by heaving it across the yard.  That pretty much sums up their little personalities.  Speedy and Sly .vs. Strong and Showy. 

And then we have Sweet and Steady here... 

How lucky are we?

Insert preferred word that means TONS... perhaps gazillions, heaps, infinity...
There.  You've got it.
Outline Complete.
We're seriously lucky.


J,B and K said...

You have the cutest dang kids!

lisa louise said...

soooo, we didnt even get gabe and easter basket. :( can you say slacker. but we knew he would be covered by the grandparents. but we better up our game, cuz next year he'll know if we slack off.

Luana said...

Such cute boys Amber. I love the pic of Ace and Ryan's grandpa! That sums up a million words! Is that Janice's or Robert's dad?

Kimberly said...

Seriously? Those cheeks? I'm on the next flight to Utah...

Mel said...

Dirt is not only for little boys. It's for my girly tom boy too! :)
Love the matching jammies! My kiddos are getting too big to find matching jammies :(

Andrea said...

Love matching pj's! They look so sweet!!!