Thursday, November 5, 2015

Holy DLS...

You guys - after Halloween we got double whammied... two kiddos with croup and DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME compounded for disaster.  Let me count the ways in which I hate, detest, LOATHE the time change!  Especially the fall version where it gets dark at 5pm and at 6:37pm I am asking the hubs like a lunatic, IS IT FREAKING MIDNIGHT?!  And let's not forget the fact that my kids wake up an hour earlier because they are nothing if not little lovers of schedule.  GAH. 
Anyway, how did we pass the time between hacking coughs and darkness at 5 pm?  A WHOLE lotta homework, coloring, Diet Coke (in my case), play dough and prayer.  Ha ha.  But really.  
I will say their little concentration faces rank right up there in my book.  And I'm channeling my inner, "I could SO be a Kindergarten teacher" persona, who manifests herself as a five-years-and-counting Sunbeam teacher.  I'm blessed that way.
So yes, things are a little nutty and a lot messy.  But silver lining - we're learning stuff?
Fine - total truth:  This has been the week from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks thus far, and the dudes are out of their minds tired mingled with not 100% well; so my grand master plan for the weekend includes hunting down the person who came up with this time change idea and making them beg for Mer-SAY!  Or at least dropping of my crew of terror on their doorstep for the weekend.  Holler!
Next week?  Next week is gonna be great, hun.

1 comment:

Chrystie said...

Whew, that sounds bad! Good news is, once they get a couple years older, the time change seems not to rock their worlds quite as hard. Just a little more grouchy, but nothing earth shattering at my house. Hope the littles are all feeling back to their old selves by the weekend, and it sounds like you have earned yourself a spa day, or at least a kids-free date night.