Monday, August 10, 2015

Big Man on Campus...

We took Kaelster out for his SIX year old photos... finally.  Summer is not the best for stopping to document memories since we are full-speed ahead making fond ones.
Anyway, I still can't get used to saying SIX.  Like, six?  What?  I can't even possibly have a little love that old because they just barely started arriving!  It blows my mind.
And so does he... Behold:
This one here is a patented work of art by Kaelster himself... doubling over in mischievous laughter.  That's him all the way.
I commend all the photographers of the world who know to say things like, "Booger Pizza" and "Chicken Butt" and "Mom wears stinky diapers" to elicit these smiles.  I mean, that's a little untrue since I don't love it when we actually do go to order a pizza and this now favorite line comes out as do the giggle fits... but I suppose we have to pick our battles, you know?
I try whenever humanly possible to catch the brothers being brothers as well.  Since we had time and coordinating duds, I snuck in a few of the infamous trio.
I think I'm in love...
Yep... in Love.
Fo Sho

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