Friday, March 13, 2015

About a Boy...

These boys.
But lately, this little one in particular:  
He pushes all my limits on a nearly daily basis and he can completely wear me out during the day.  But after a bath, every single night, once he is cloaked in jammies (and apparently kindness and sincerity) he is sweet to his very core.  He utters the loveliest things a mama could hear and our souls do a little forgiveness dance.  
I say this about all of them and I really mean it:
I cannot wait to see where all this energy and spirit takes them someday.   
 Because these funny, sweet and feisty boys of ours have the great gift of unyielding determination... (read: sometimes stubborn, curious to the extreme, loud beyond measure, 
& independent to the point of infuriation at times )
And at present, Ace's mama is trying very hard to funnel it all toward the beautiful things he and his brothers will accomplish with these characteristics that don't quit.
And I'm a tiny bit tired.  :)

1 comment:

Chrystie said...

Preach, girl! I love the tucking them in when they are finally so tired that instead of grouchy monsters they are like sweet little cherubs. Good luck with the channeling of the energy, pass on any tips to the rest of us still struggling.