Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Of Cuss Words...

Yesterday my Kaelster came running in from the back yard all breathless and frantic and yelled, "MOM!  Come out and look at my pumpkin... I think I found a squash bug!"

Now listen, if you rewind approximately two months ago, I made that same urgent call to my own Dad.  I had discovered the little wretches all over my summer squash plant and I grabbed my cell phone, put it on speaker and called to find out how to slay 'em dead.

He answered, I let out my call of distress, and he and Uncle Sherwood replied in tandem,
"Oh, them are bad little bastards!"

This much I had gathered.  So, we got it all figured out and one run to IFA later to pick up the necessary supplies left me down a summer squash but saved all the rest of my squash plants including the boys' beloved pumpkins.

So, here we are, back at present day.  I went outside and inspected the beetle atop one of our pumpkins that had my Big K all flustered and declared it NOT a squash bug.  Kaelster breathed a sigh of relief and without skipping a beat said, "Oh Good, them are bad little bastards!"

And then I died.
This little right of passage has been brought to you by Grandpa Hooky and Uncle Sherwood.
Thanks guys.  :)
Truth is... I get it.  Pumpkin pride elicits cuss words in diligent little farmers.

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