Friday, August 1, 2014


 Not that I'm biased or anything... but if I were to select the cover of GQ Magazine for next month's issue, it would probably look something like this...
Or this...
Or maybe this.
And yes, I stood back with an editing eye staring at the hangers of little man duds hanging from kitchen chairs.  And yes, I layered and then re-layered and switched out these jeans for those jeans and squinted and tilted my head to the left and right like a crazy person to get just the right look.
 Truth is, they could wear paper bags and look adorable.  So the self-imposed role of "outfit coordinator" was totally superfluous.  But it was still fun.
 Let's not mention the fact that our Kaelster looks like he is posing for his senior pictures here.  All they needed was a graduation cap on the floor near his big paw and my time warp would be complete.
Also, who can make lying on the floor look this good?  Big K can... that's who. 
This is the famous "sliver wall" - so named by the three amigos.  It's fitting, really.  They have LOTS of experience in the sliver/tweezer department. 
 Don't matter - they're tough.  :)
And they are IT for this mama.
I adore my little GQ men.


Chrystie said...

Holy cow, that Kael is one beautiful boy!! You should get him an agent ASAP and then you could make enough $$ to pay for all the food he is going to eat as a teenager.

The Sutherland Family said...

SO dang cute!! LOVE that first pic!! Also, Kael is freaking huge!

Laurel said...

You truly won the jackpot on the 'Y' chromosomes!!!