Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Things...

Well what can I say?  I've been a lazy blogger this week.  I blame the spring sun, mingled with snow/rain/sleet/wind and three oddly crabby kiddos.  We had to search for warm sunlight & blue skies to lift our kites and our spirits.  So there you have it.  My excuse.
The good news is - it worked!  All that vitamin D, fresh air, and bike legs done pulled them out of whatever little ornery funk they'd been lingering in (maybe a "Disney is over" let down?)
And baby, we're back.
So for starters... meet the newest member of our family.  He is, of course, a boy... what else?  And he's a little slow but we love him regardless.  Introducing Curby... (see what we did there?)  
Curby is here to announce to every vehicle entering our street to SLOW DOWN!  If you don't take heed, Kaelster will enforce the law.  Just sayin'.
 You'll probably be jealous when I tell you that we have the coolest driveway in the 'hood.  It's steeper than the others (which is still not all that steep) but leads to regular visits of every bike and scooter within a mile radius racing down it at some point.  We love to be the mecca of the action, but we don't love it when cars speed around the corner into our little spring festivals.  Sooo, I'm that Mom... the nerdy, safety kid, kinda Mom.  Waving my freak flag and proud of it.
I've also become a piss-poor illustrator for any little tale that is running through their wild imaginations. This one was of Kael and Dax going to visit their cousin Zane.  They were knocking on his door with their guns and he was waving at them from the window with his gun.  Ace was half way invited and he rode his red bike to the party but was not given a gun because Zane had his, and thus, he could not enter.  You know, no weapon/no love?  When did they all become the Sons of Anarchy?
 It's a little ridiculous how much they abhor coloring but adore having me do the legwork while they prescribe pant colors and shoe colors.  Little boss hogs.
Contrary to the angelic little face above... little Ace man is anything but innocent.  We've had to take away the little red bike several times already because he ventures too far, joins the big kids at the school for kickball during recess, or just plain old runs in the other direction when his name is called.  Having two older brothers has made this kid completely fearless and wildly independent.  It's a little bit unreal.
Dax Man is the neighborhood socialite.  He yells "Hello!" to all passersby and he recruits playmates all day long.  "Hey Buddy!  You wanna come play with us?!"  I think the UPS man actually kinda wanted to hang the other day, especially when Dax handed him a bag of chips and wanted to chat about how his big brown truck didn't have a door.  All fascinating stuff, you know?
He is wholeheartedly convinced that all the older Cub Scout aged boys and teenaged girls on our street want to hang with him at any given moment.  In most cases, he is spot on.  He's just that cool as is evidenced by his mad bike and scooter skillz.
Kaelster is the big man on campus.  Just ask him.  When Kaelster is happy, there isn't a soul in the neighborhood that doesn't know it.  When he's annoyed, hurt, or tired?  There isn't a soul in the neighborhood that doesn't know it.  :)
Our little precious stones collector is still expanding his impressive collection.   And just today, while riding "Daddy's scooter" he ate it hard and started his very own "road rash collection".  Poor little dude.  
Despite their less than perky dispositions this past week, I love it all.  This whole spring thing.  The changing of the guards to a new season.  The about to open blossoms, the growing ever-taller tulips, the  forsythia turning to gold and the grass greening up.   And the way you can look down my driveway in any direction and see a framed picture -- a kite in the blue sky, smeared side-walk chalk jeans, or bubbles cascading & iridescent in the wind.

We're having a spring metamorphosis over here... and it's so good. 

1 comment:

The Venutis said...

I'm cranky after a good vacation too! Reading about your boys makes me want mine to be little again!