Monday, May 13, 2013

My Achilles Heel...

RyGar has discovered my weakness.  My Achilles heel has been exposed.  And I have no doubt, that in some way, MANY times, it will be exploited.  And I could not care less.

It goes something like this, "Amb, I really want to take Kael fishing with me... Just the two of us."
Be strong my melting heart.

Or like this, "Hey Lady, I think I'll take Dax Man to the soccer game.  Will you buy him a jersey?"
Puddles... Forming.

And finally it is Acey's turn... (You know how men are with the little ones that can't walk or hold their own sippy cups... these things take time.  And time elapsed - without me telling it to do so... little rebel.)  "I'm taking Acey to out to the lake with the dog, OK?"  Um, whats a gal gonna say to that?  

Anyway... I can't deny that I nod my head like a Stepford Wife and smile whenever a proposition is made that involves Daddy/Son time.  It makes me happy.  It is the sweetest.  And the littles seem to come back to my arms a tiny bit more manly and independent.  It is the way it should be.

So this weekend, I sent my three big boys off to wilderness to catch fish with Daddy-o on their favorite mountain.  They ATE.IT.UP.  And then they came home to me and reported it all back in great detail all at once with astounding speed and volume.  :)  It was adorable if you were wondering.

Acey was a snotty little mess so he had to stay with Mama but we had ourselves some park time, he had a little nap, I got in a gorgeous run and we both got a whole lot of snuggling.  Again... no complaints.  And when the boys returned, he got right in on the action, working as Daddy-o's tiny master gutter right there in the thick of things.  He smelled divine afterwards.

So, let the plotting begin.  I have heard whisperings of African Safaris, Harley Road Trips, Restoring a Something Something Super Sport and Visiting Every Baseball Diamond across America...

Bring it BoYz... I'll play along. :)

P.S. Don't you want to live here?
Me too - I'm campaigning.  Don't you worry.

1 comment:

The Sutherland Family said...

LOVE the cowgirl look, you need to sport it more often!