Friday, July 1, 2011

Could it Be?

Is it really July?

Holy Smokes. I don't know why summers always fly by at the speed of sound. I really don't. It's not like I'm still in grade school watching the days on the calendar inch ever closer to that dreaded but also adored first day of classes. So why must these sun-filled days be so hard to capture and cradle?

The babies at our own Wimbledon this week...

Along with July comes a hodge podge from our house. Not because that's how we're feeling, but that's what we're doing. We tackled a few major projects like cleaning the storage room and buying big boy beds. And we have begun to prep for somebody's forthcoming big day.
(Here's a Sneak Peek... Stay Tuned.)

We are all packed for another get-away.
We have splashed, strolled, sprinklered, scrubbed and snow-coned.
And not necessarily in that order or exclusively described in this list...

The babies and I are on a roll. We run our errands in the morning and nap in the afternoon and then get up and run like maniacs until it is time to come back to greet daddy-o and have dinner. They are good little buddies sitting in the back of my truck and I love to look back and see my little stars in their sunglasses chugging on their beverages of choice.

The belly is also on a roll - growing at a rate that I swear is impossible. I think it is a bit narcissistic to post pictures of myself on here, but then again, several folks have asked to see the burgeoning bump (mostly so they can be glad it isn't them with the ever expanding waist line) and see it you will, but only because RyGar reminded me that this is baby number last and I should just relax and embrace the "jabba the hut-ness" of it all.

Belly Baby at 28 weeks.

And on a silly little note. The boys have really taken to visiting "Grandpa" at Cabela's lately. They still like the fish, don't get me wrong, but their new thing is to run to the museum and push the button on the older talking gent who they call "Pa" and listen to his hunting tales. They can't get enough of him and it is slightly adorable.

Note Kaelster's fish face... Such a pro.

Dax is listening to "Pa" intently. 'Sup Pa?

The adorable-ness is also found aplenty on our happy Summer nights...
Because ya'll know you can't resist clean, post-bath babies dressed in their bed things making their last big hurrah before the lights go out.

Me neither...
Happy July.


The Belnaps said...

You are lookin like one sexy prego lady..barely..where's ur belly? If I don't see you..have a great 4th!

Mel said...

I laugh every time I see Kael in his skin tight jammies! Reminds me of when Drake was a not so itty bitty baby! ;) OK, who am I kidding...D's pj's are still skin tight because they don't make "monster" size! LOL
PS...Whose Ryan kidding? You know you want a million more of those cute babies!

Andrea said...

Sweet shades on those cute little men! I could just pinch their sweet cheeks! You are the cutest pregnant woman! I hope you're feeling great. said...

My heavens...How we miss you all! Ryan hasn't changed a lot, but the other 3 have been doing some major growing!! Thanks for keeping the blog up. Alaskatime looks incredible. Have a very happy 4th and win the babyderby for G&GG
Love you much

Cami said...

Happy July I can't believe it's here either!!! You are adorable you are not looking Jabba-ish at all:)
P.S. I need me some Mr. Wonderful asap!!!

Luana said...

Amber your jabba jabba doesn't have near enough hut-ness on it. You are lookin FINE! By the way, summer only officially started 2 weeks ago. We still have a long way to go! :-)

Summer said...

"jabba the hutness"? I don't think so Amber!