Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Growth Spurts and Stuff...

Little Man is having a growth spurt. He simply can NOT ingest enough throughout the course of any given day to feel appeased and his chipmunk cheeks are brimming full of "stuff" during all hours of awake time. He likes everything - and I mean it. But you should see the kid down a pack of yogurt bites or a can of green beans. It is hysterically impressive and he moves like someone might steal the very bean he is grasping in his little paw. Totally stealth.

His equilibrium is slightly "off" and the poor little guy has a bruise, scab, and/or red mark on his forehead, cheek and/or chin almost constantly. I think it's because his little leg bones are growing at a remarkable rate and let's face it - growing bones has got to be hard work.

People are starting to ask more frequently if our little blonde buddies are twins - and NOW I get it. They are nearly the same height and since Daximus is dead set on out-eating his big brother, the circumference of his thighs is expanding impressively. They are our little twiblings (a term I borrow from a good friend who has babies ten-months apart) and that is about the most perfect made-up word to describe them. I have a feeling we're just at the tip of the iceberg as far as cuteness goes with these little twibs. Now if only I can decipher their language and other strange little call signs.

And really, nothing else is spectacularly noteworthy here, except that we're enjoying summer. Together. AND with our families. Ryan's brother and his kiddos are here from Europe for a few weeks and it is nice to go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and then play at a grimy city park on a muggy day for no other reason than to see little cousins clamber about together.

And then toss them in the tub for a good scrub...

We'll be hosting all our little cuz friends this weekend for Kael's second birthday party. I might cry - I'm just warning you - but I'll really try to hold it together. And if I fail - I'll just blame it on the hormones... so there.

And in the mean time - I'm off for MY tub time... just to punctuate who the big tub actually belongs to. I don't want anyone creeping in on my real estate permanently.
Happy Hump Day.


Amy B. said...

I feel like I live in the tub when I am preggers...I am so jeal that you little one loves to eat...my barely get enough nutrients from their 3 meals-a-day consisting of cereal, ramen and treats!

Mel said...

It really is amazing how much they resemble each other...proves how much big K belonged in your family!

Chrystie said...

They really do look more and more alike all the time, the two little blondies! They are so dang cute, you gotta love bubble baths!! It is funny that your twibs are looking more and more like twins every day when mine are looking less and less like twins! Dax is so huge and Cora is so small, they are never taken for twins anymore.