Tuesday, February 6, 2018

What I'm Learning about Little People...

Yesterday I heard a guy draw a parallel between being a farmer and growing seeds into plants - to being a parent and growing children into upstanding citizens.
He basically said, "Plant it - provide good conditions for it to grow - and LET IT BE."
He went to talk about how weird it would be to see a farmer out in his fields hovering over every single seed that was planted amongst his acres of rows of seeds.  But he acknowledged it wouldn't be strange to see a farmer look to the Heavens to utter a prayer for his crops.  It wouldn't be odd for a farmer to talk to other farmers about watering, or fertilizing.  And he said it is an expectation that a farmer would occasionally apply a pest control, or weed deterrent for his precious seedlings.
BUT by and large, the seeds will grow and develop and become plants much on their own accord.
All this to say.... Whew - we had a rough patch around here.
And looking back, I think RyGar and I probably hovered over our little seeds too much -- Hypothetically speaking.
Ours are good boys.  

Hard Working

And we want the very best for them.  
SO... when Kael cried when his beloved Patriots didn't win the Superbowl - we got upset.
When Ace flipped off the wall at the hotel pool into the water - we yelled and put him in time out.
When Dax pitched a fit trying to find the "old man beard" to cap off his 100th day of school look - we sighed in frustration and rolled our eyes at one another as we shoved them out the door to school.
It's a hard balancing act - this whole parenting gig.  
I know they're capable of so much, so I keep upping the bar of expectation... probably unfairly.
And so... thanks to the analogy of the farmer and the seed.  This mama took a few chill pills these past couple of days, and as prescribed... the seedlings are growing just fine on their own without my hovering or urging promptings in their ears.
On Saturday we all went outside after their ball games and played Poison and Speed.  The neighbors were out and the kids were all there and Kael said to me, "I love it when this happens!"
"What?" I asked.
"You know when all the kids and parents are outside together just talking and playing - it's the best!"
It takes so very little.
I'm recommitted to chillax and let good things grow.

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