Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hey Diddle Diddle...

Oh gosh it must be the holidays.  Where have I been?  Certainly not blogging.  OH the guilt!
Anyway a few random-dandies to get us started:
Have I mentioned that at nine months Boone got two teeth and starting walking?  Then suddenly at 9.5 months he thought he could ride a bike -- a wiggle bike that is.  
Now he is 11 whole months, has four teeth, babbles like a brook, and I just want to strap him down to any inanimate object so he'll stay a baby forever and stop running around like a toddler.
 Ryan & I took him to Arizona this past week for his "only baby" trip which we have done with all the boys and he was such a love.  Just waving hi and bye to everyone, and playing peek-a-boo with every plane passenger, and toddling around the temple grounds flirting with the sister missionaries, and eating fresh citrus off the cousins' trees.  He makes all of us insanely happy.  
Now if you don't mind can we revert to Thanksgiving for a red hot minute?  We stayed here locally and celebrated all our many blessings with Ryan's parents, brother, and two sisters and their families.  It was so fun to have all the cousins together.
We saw the Luminaries at Thanksgiving Point, we took the boys to an archery range, we went to Lowe's Air and competed (internally) on the Ninja Warrior course, we ate, went to the movies, and basically loved life for the bulk of the week.
And Kael the caveman thoroughly enjoyed Grandma's turkey.  :)
Then whaddya know - mere moments after the Thanksgiving weekend, we had SNOW!

It seems no body around here was mad about it.  Not one little bit.
I got to get away on my annual holiday shopping outing with my best friend, and while I was away RyGar ran this show.
Good news - the kids all survived!
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to another basketball game, wrestling tourney, or Christmas sing-a-long.  Phew.....
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

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