Saturday, October 7, 2017

Of Octobers....

Sometimes fall days are quite literally golden.
Friday was one of those.
We had such a good week full of practices and games and homework and spelling tests.  We attended Parent Teacher Conference and got good reports on each of our boys.  That's all it took to declare a  "seize this fine fall day" kind of moment.  I packed up my little lads and decided to make it an epic Friday, complete with an hour early out from school and a trip with friends to sense all of fall.
I took the boys to the local pumpkin patch and those golden kernels are now ALL over in my mud room floor, in my dryer, in my car.  I'm slightly annoyed with each one I pick up, but mostly it makes me smile as I remember my little happy faced fellers and some of their buddies enjoying the fall sun in the dirtiest, most down home way possible.
The corn maze.  I don't think we got too deep into it but they didn't care because they each found a cob to shuck and they traipsed along in a row for a good while on what they thought was a legendary adventure.  Boone thought this was especially exciting.
There was a pumpkin tower, gaming tables with pumpkins as the game pieces, and a small petting zoo.  There were hay stacks to climb and slides to descend and oh so many pumpkins to be tempted to chuck as far as one could.  :)
The corn pits...
You guys they were a total hit.  There is corn in every possible nook and cranny.  The crew lingered there for the longest time burying one another, filling one another's shirts, taking turns pushing Boone across the surf of gold.  It was a riot and I loved watching them.  
And if posting a hundred pictures of our fun is wrong - than I don't wanna be right.  :)
 I especially loved the white dusting their little faces got as their play got more involved.  And plucking kernels from behind ears and out of diapers (that was discovered a bit later).  And their "beer bellys" full of corn.
Oh Fall - You sassy minx, you. 
You're a complete show off of the best variety and we're so glad you came to play a bit.

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