Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Diamond in the Desert...

Ace and Ryno went to spring training in Arizona a few weeks back.  Last year Ryan took Kael and Dax and boy, oh boy, did Ace mention that a few times these past twelve months.  ;)
SO - tickets were booked and arrangements made, and off they went.  Our little Ace Face McGee, who has never met a stranger in his entire life, ate up an extended weekend with his Daddy-o's rapt attention, while he earned his wings and scored autographs.  
He was so cute and excited and would relay every last detail each night on the phone to me and his brothers back home each night.   And little fan boy got a couple of new hats to sport while he cheered on his favorite teams.
  He ate his weight in snow cones and Ryno reported that his most commonly used phrases of the trip were, "This is so awesome!" and "Thank you SO much, Daddy."
Of course he got to eat at my favorite grub spots and stay with some of our favorite people in the desert who showed him citrus trees, and let him ride their horses, and generally loved on him while he was away from his mama (thank you a million times over).  All "his teams" won, because he is a good luck charm - just ask him.  LOL  
When I got this picture of his dinner from Boca's I texted back saying, 
"Ace!  I just drooled all over my phone at this picture!  You lucky guy!"  
The next night another relative suggested meeting Ryno and Ace at the same restaurant and Acey said, 
"I can't.  I don't want to make my Mom slobber on her phone."  
All in all, he didn't hate it.  :)  And RyGar said he was a tiny "Angel" the entire trip.
Pun intended.

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