Friday, March 1, 2013


Lately we've been in a good place, these little pups of mine and me.  And lately, I've been hit by a Mac truck also known as introspection.  It's probably brought on by the time I've spent hunched over baseboards and scrubbing walls in an early spring cleaning binge which has left me listening...  Listening to my favorite happily chatting tiny people who are really starting to interact & play so well together (for the most part) and those thoughts and sounds of love and happiness make me re devote myself to motherhood like, say, The Duck Dynasty family is devoted to camo.

They are the perfect examples of giant emotion bursting out of the tiniest bodies.  They are like overly gleeful tour guides that point out, "Brown Horsies!" and "White Mailman trucks!" and "Yewow Tractors!"  Oh, for the love of yellow tractors!  They are the epitome of the grace of RIGHT NOW.  They erupt with life and messes and comedy and love and leave me feeling infinitely lucky to be their mama RIGHT NOW and forever.

And sure, there are and will continue to be roadblocks.  I get that avoiding the wrong exits that stop at hurt and pain is impossible; because this parenthood gig, contains everything.  Including the comedy of emergency pee stops in the Walmart parking lot due to bursting bladders or the hilarity of snot bubbles that grow and deflate with each exaggerated breath, or the tragedy of ouchies that must be tended to professionally.  I have yet to find a way to keep from letting it all in, but I suppose these little magical creatures that came to us for special purposes will continue to wring juicy, succulent moments out of the thin, bland ordinary air... and that just makes me want to follow and fall hopelessly in love again and again and again x a billion.

To witness the growth and evolution of a child is the most exquisite thing I have ever been privy to.  To witness the budding & intertwining of three children growing up together makes it even more pristine.  And though there are days when I feel the endless list of menial tasks... dishes, sweeping, hand holding & feeding, will go on forever; I know they won't. Someday my boys won't squeal with delight at a yellow tractor.  Some day the mailman won't be quite so magical.  And someday, my bed won't be full of writhing, warm puppies in the first light of the rising sun.

And so, let's all raise our hands to the square and swear that we will remember today.  Because truly, by the blessed end of each and every day, when I am spent, and the house is quiet, and slumbering bodies rest and exhale world peace in their sleep... all I remember is the joy (laced with the humor of the occasional stubborn streak gone mad).  Because like cream, good things always rise to the top... Every Day.


Chrystie said...

Awesome. I love this post and feel every bit of it with you. It is birthday season at our house, which i love but also hate with a vengeance because I love love where I am and don't want it to end.

Mel said...

Dang! I'v missed so much of your cute boys! I'll think of you everyday when I'm am eating my third or fourth grapefruit of the day! Just another reason that you should move back!