I jumped on the old band wagon and read the book, "The Help".

I totally loved it. Every little minute of it was entertaining and I highly recommend it -- even though it is all the rage right now. I tend to wait until all the hype is over to join in with the lemmings on things like new books and movies, which is a sure sign of a little stubborn streak. And I wonder where my kids get it?
I still don't know if I'll see the movie because Skeeter and Mae Mo and Aibileen are all perfect creatures in my head and I hate when Hollywood miscasts according to my ideal image.
Anyway, two things happened to me while I was reading this book:
1. I started talking to my babies in a southern accent. No lie, I would say stuff like, "You Mama's Good Boy aren't you..." As I was snuggling with one of my little bugs. Or, "We gonna get you in the tub cuz you all a mess."
What the crud is that about? None of my family is from the south but I picked up on it like an embarrassing little mocking bird.
2. I became a baking machine while I was reading. I created two batches of zucchini bread, cookies, my favorite dessert (named Sex in a Pan, for the record) and then I BOUGHT some Costco croissants... (Law knows I ain't gonna be baking no croissants). All that talk of fine foods and award winning pie and caramel cake turned me into a sorry white version of Martha Stewart.
So there you have it. Some random information on a Wednesday afternoon about a truly great book. Go beg, borrow or steal it today and let the baking bonanza begin. :)
WOW, I must really be out of the loop! Never heard of the dang book, but you bet I'll be ordering on Amazon ASAP!
Nothing better than Costco croissants...my fave!
Wish I could talk in a southern accent, but all my accents sound the same...a little hindu, mexcian! haha! and it's totally embarrassing awful!
I'm the same way I hate hype, but WOW could not book this down once I jumped on the bandwagon.
hahaha...that's funny... gonna have to start using a southern accent, sounds fun :) make me laugh, thanks :) have a good day!
Giiiiirl... you so funny! I loved this book!
ya... loved that book. havent seen the movie yet, but not by choice, time has slipped away from me. but i will see it and let you know if you dare taint your imaginations version of these visionary ladies.
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