We have totally been "Frequent Posers" this past month. In addition to the "Little Boys G" photog session, my parents required family pictures with Grandma's El Camino as part of our 4th of July festivities. It was muggy and humid and the poor photographer was working double time to get all the cute little kiddos to grin or at least to not grimace. It turned out pretty dang cute and totally Americana... especially if you're a motor head. :)

And TA-DA - we got one too! We officially have a new family picture that is completely up-to-date.... until September. At which point we'll do it all over again.
As a side note... this is the SECOND time I have been fat and prego in the family picture. I'm beginning to develop a complex. BUT, on the plus side, I think we've figured out what causes this.
Lastly, we have a few, nay, a LOT of Kaelster's two-year-old pictures to share with you (I love me a good mid-sentence nay). And our little modest model is stoked... can't you tell?
The photographer was phenomenal and just walked, nay, RAN around throwing rocks and kicking dirt with our little manly man.
He loved it. Well... most of it. And these pictures capture his personality
(and his chubby anatomy) perfectly.
Let's say it together, shall we.... "Bend and Snap."
Which is exactly what we'll do at another milestone photo shoot just around the bend.
Look how cute your family is!!
Love the muddy hand picture!
You are so funny! I love the "bend and snap" reference. You make me laugh out loud! The 2 year old pictures turned out so darling!
cute cute pics! Family pictures are a rare thing for us also :) Hard to coordinate amongst the babies :) It's okay though, it's worth it :) Besides, you can't hardly even tell you're prego in that pic, serious! You look amazing as always :)
I love his little pictures! I really like the one of him running by the red and green thing...cute cute!
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