Perhaps I spoke a bit too soon.
This whole breaking bad habits and forming new good ones... let me be honest... it sucks.
Here I am 24-hours later of "Operation Kael in a Bed and Dax without a Bink" and I admit to being tempted earlier today by the thought of tossing back a Tylenol PM, as I tossed both of them into one crib with a handful of binkies and blankies and shutting the door to cower under my own covers - but alas, I resisted. For one whole nap. Mother of the year right here. :)
Here's what went down. Initial glee and the appropriate sounds of glee at being in the same room (same as last night) followed by screaming from Dax who was watching his brother sprint from one cool attraction to another; like a basket full of shoes (which was promptly emptied) to a dresser full of drawers (also emptied in record time) while he sadly had to watch on the sidelines from the confines of a crib. And finally silence. Dreamy silence.
And then full on belly laughs from Kael. More silence from Dax. More guffaws of sheer joy from the big guy. Nadda from Dax Man.
Enter Mom... aka the Enemy.
To find the littlest Super Hero buried in a heap of wipes and diapers at the bottom of his crib with just a few little piggies sticking out to give me the assurance that he was actually still there. Slumbering soundly - blissfully unaware of his brother's shenanigans.
Anyway, the first step to making a change is admitting you have a problem; which neither of the little men are willing to do, so I'm taking that step for them. The second part of solving any equation is to enlist the booming, loving, yet firm voice of Dad the very MOMENT movement is detected on the other side of the door. And so far tonight - so good. Again. One hour down and no movement or drama. They are back in my good graces (for the time being) and RyGar is officially a knight in shining armor.

All I can say is it is a good thing they're cute and they better be PERFECT little angels during their teen years... and then send their patient parents on a trip to Fiji.
For those of you keeping score...
Parents = 2
Babies = 1
Pray for us friends of cyber land.
Pray for us. :)
Bedtime and breaking habits is so not easy...LOVE that Dads booming voice does the trick. What is it with a Dads power?
This makes me laugh, remembering MANY nights spent sitting outside of Arden's door trying to make sure she didn't get out of her new big girl bed and trash her room, which she would attempt many times a night at first. Luckily for us, Dax and Cora have been angels compared to Arden for switching to big girl beds, so karma says you should have better luck with Dax. hang in there!!
Oh I so remember those days!! It is a glorious day when it's all said and done!! Hang in there.
It is a good thing they are cute or they might be sleeping outside with Coop! Oh, but they might like that! ;)
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