I am officially cramming.
For several reasons, really.
- I'm trying to cram all of summer into this, the last month of our favorite season.
- I'm trying to cram in all the fun stuff I feel I need to do with my two "big" boys before the seasons change and they are joined by a third boy... tiny and new.
- I'm trying to cram in some time with an amazing friend who is visiting from Texas.
- And I'm trying to cram my boobs into my bra and out of my damp swim suit underneath the flimsy cover of my dress.

How is that for a lot of information?
Stay Classy San Diego. :)
And even though all this cramming means babies go without naps and later fling themselves down on the pavement to emphasize the point that they are totally exhausted - it is worth it... And that is saying a lot.
We had a major cram session today at a private pool courtesy of my sassy Texas friend, Mary and her sweet family. They let us slip and slide and splash and exercise our little gills 'til our hearts were content. And I've decided that a swimming retreat is fantastic, carefree and whimsical for the little water babies we tote along with us. But it is nothing but work, sweat and hyper-attention for their adoring, safety-conscious mamas. That must be akin to what it feels like to be on the President's security team during a public outing... all senses on, all muscles engaged. You know? I swear the only thing I was missing was the ear bud to converse with fellow agents... and the dark suit (of a different variety).
But alas, we made it.
And we loved it.
And we only had minor cases of "swimming burps" due to some swallowed pool water.
To which the boys prompted exclaimed, "ME!" which is, "Excuse Me", for those of you not in the know.
And now my prized possessions are already tucked in for a long night's sleep and here I sit reviewing pictures of them in their matching PJs literally running on fumes until finally, their tanks were totally depleted.
Cram session over.
Our Daddy-o is also feeling his slice of summer turn into a sliver. So he is off for a quick golf retreat with some friends and we are kissing him goodnight via pictures of "DaDa" on the wall. We adore him, that Daddy-o of ours... And all of his boyish charm.
And me and the little mini duo of charmers like infusing our days with all the life and energy we can cram into our 24-hours. So tomorrow we'll be up and at 'em, enjoying the kaleidoscope skies of summer and looking for an encore.
Happy Weekend!
Thatta girl...I went shopping the other day with my MIL and SIL and when i tried on a bra over my clothes they looked at me so strange...would have been the norm with you there..Thanks for teaching me great tricks!
Love the matching pj's! I hope you've been adding a third pair!
Glad the "boobs" made it safe into their dry haven! LOL!
you are so funny!
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