I know I've fallen into the habit of blogging almost exclusively about my little loves and my big love... What can I say? I feel like when I share stories about them I'm in some way keeping you all up to date on moi. Is that not right? Is it a little narcissistic for me to think anyone cares? Totally.
Anyway - here's the scoop... if it merits being called that. :)
1. I tried those Sally Hansen "sticker" nails. That is all I can think to call them since you don't really paint them on. And the jury is still out here. They better last a fairly long time on my little tootsies because it was more time consuming than just painting my nails and I had to use a file - which sort of makes me cringe. Furthermore - I think touch up will be impossible. I shall report back with a full review.
2. I got my "hair did". Went to a spa and everything courtesy of RyGar. It had been ten months since my last "do". Can you believe that? I was doing root touch-up kits at home because they actually worked fairly well for my hair but that's a little embarrassing to admit. It's like I turned into a pilgrim or something when I got two babies. I promise to not let that ever happen again. Mostly because they served me crackers, cheese and sparkling water at the spa and kept a nice warm compress on my neck while my highlights "processed". I felt like a new woman.
3. I was soaking in the tub the other evening and I laughed aloud at one of my college memories. This is totally a "guilty conscience confession" so, brace yourself. I got a 'C' in statistics. And only because I talked my way into getting it and was annoyingly ever-present at after-hours study groups and I bawled to Professor Schaalje (which is pronounced Skall-ya if you are confused as I was) in his office. He felt sorry for me because I'll be damned if I could understand randomization and deviations. And it wasn't for lack of trying. I was a sad, snotty, teary-eyed mess and he was worn down by my total inability to understand the mere basics. So he told me he'd give me a C for effort. Bless his heart - or not - can't decide because that was my only non-A grade in my life. Blah. I feel sorry for all the statisticians of the world.
4. I am reading a new book by Alexander McCall Smith. If you're unfamiliar, he wrote the Number One Ladies Detective series, which I liked. It's called The Sunday Philosopher's Club and so far so good. So, if you need a new series and you can't take an all-encompassing ride like The Hunger Games, this might be a good fit for you.
5. I bought a tankini for the summer at Hapari and paid a small fortune for it. I still can't believe it, but pregnancy is the only time that I actually need a little support for the (ahem) "girls" and I was not about to buy one of the tents or skirted numbers I saw elsewhere. Maternity suits are ridiculous and I'll only be needing one for a single summer in my entire life. So I kissed 100 bucks Goodbye. I know I'll look like a blowfish when you see me at the Splash Park this summer in said tankini - but just smile and tell me how fabulous I look. That's right - I am officially requesting little white lies. Thank you.
6. I have been dubbed "The Candy Lady" in our neighborhood and I love it. Plus, it is the Universe's way of coming full circle... when I was little my brother and I would knock on Shanna Banana's door at least once a day in the summer to request a treat. Shanna would actually spend hours baking our favorite, Mumbo Jumbos, and then she would freeze them in single servings so she would have our number one requested cookies on hand at the drop of a hat. Is that not an amazing neighbor? Now, I only serve suckers and store-bought numbers, but still - it is a well-known fact that any sugar will do on a summer afternoon and I serve it up with a smile.

7. I am apparently a freakin' anomaly because "I am a girl and I drive a truck". Two of my regular candy visitors let me in on this little tidbit just last week. When they ask for candy they often ask if they can get in the bed of the truck to eat it. "Knock yourselves out" I said to them, and they thought that I was amazing (because of the truck and candy) and hilarious (due to my snide comment) and they now ask me to say it all the time. Strange little dudes. But I think I'm stellar because I can actually park a truck between the lines of any parking space with no problem. Why is it that there are so many horrific parking people out there? Take a moment - do it right - "check the difference", as my Papa says. Geez, how do you expect me to squeeze a kid through that two-inch ally way you left me?
8. I have been sitting so sloppily lately... mostly when I'm at the computer. My posture has gone out the window and I just know I'm working toward becoming the Hunchback of Notre Dame. My Mama would be so disappointed since she taught me at a young age to "stick my boobs out"... that's no lie. I think I will make it my June goal to get back on my high horse and sit and stand like a lady who cares. Shoulders back. Boobs Out.
Join me in my summer mantra if you'd like.
And I suppose I'll stop divulging all my dirty little secrets and random thoughts for now. Until next time... Wow - betcha you're waiting with baited breath, eh?!
I too am proud to say that I am a trucker girl and I can also park in the lines! :)
Maybe if I stuck my boobs out it would look as if I actually had some...hmmmm I'm gonna try! Thanks for the advice!
For a 100 bucks you better be making frequent trips to AZ to get some use out of that swimsuit!
I just love you! And I am glad you and Ash had some good fun together on Saturday...Lord knows we all need that kinda days off every now and then!!!
I am trying that book next. I liked the detective club series.
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