I am in the midst of a disaster.
I hate it when the time comes to switch out baby clothes for the next sizes up. My little Dax Man can no longer be crammed into his 12-month jammies (so why I still have six and nine months duds in his dresser is a mystery). He is such a long thing that his toes are going to bust through the little seams of the feet if I don't make a change. And I have one thing to say about that.... "SNIFFLE"... OK, two things.... "TEAR".
I hate that my little babes are getting big. I mean, look at those two tall drinks o' water!
I hate it! But then, I love it too.
Because today, guess what Kaelster did after he went down the slide at the mall 1500 times? He ran along side the stroller and blew kisses to everyone he saw. Toddler time is an undeniably adorable phase. He also rolled his eyes for the first time in his life and I'm pretty sure that is some sort of record. He isn't quite 19-months... what is that about?
Anyway, wish me luck as I fold and pack and swap and hang and otherwise reorganize what seems to be a billion little man shirts and pants and PJs. I'll need it.

On the bright side... I'm pulling out some stellar little summer duds. Ahhhh, preppy little man shorts and polo shirts and sandals. Why don't I live in Hawaii? No seriously, is there a reason? I think I'll broach that topic with RyGar this evening. :)
i hate switching up the clothes, but it kind of is fun for a new switch in wardrobe!
Jamen rolls his eyes at people its funny but not. He has grown out of it, but it was kind of cute when he did it! What a fun stage.
I'm going to live in Hawaii when I grow up...maybe we can be neighbors!
Switching out clothes happens to be one of my specialties...seriously...I really like it. Anyhow! If only my boys would wear polo shirts and those darn toe-hurting sandals...or even "levi" shorts for that matter. Nope...we're strictly a "soft" pants/shorts family around here!...can't wait for spring clothing!!!:)
Bitter sweet feeling huh?!
Hmmmm, wonder where Kael got the eye rolling from?
You should totally try the popcorn like right now...I really wish we lived closer and I could be your supplier on this one...I would love to just come over to GardnerLand and bring you some popcorn deliciousness...and I would bring a diet coke too! yay!!! Maybe when we move to Hawaii!
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