Just had a GOOD day. Two little cherubs in the form of RyGar and Grandma arranged for the delivery and care of the babes so this mama could have several hours of uninterrupted cleaning time. HOLY CRAP - I love them both so much my teeth hurt. (Is that offensive to call them cherubs? Valentine's week is getting to me. Has nothing to do with their physical appearance, and everything to do with their angelic attributes, promise.)

Anyway - goobers are gone - this giddy Gardner girl just eliminated all of 'em by herself with the IPod blasting. Too much alliteration? Can't help it - that is how excited I am. I mean when was the last time you got to use the lemon oil on your wood furniture pieces? My point exactly. It was heaven.
Clean house - I heart you.
RyGar and Janice, my loves, you are rock stars.
Babies... let's pace ourselves on the slow destruction of mama's handiwork.

And maybe, just maybe, the next time I get a few hours I'll do something crazy like get my toenails done. But really, does anything beat a Pine Sol infused, sparkling abode?
Nope, Nada. In fact, I'm just sittin' here breathing in and out. Basking.
Oh man...I can smell the freshness from here! Way to go mama! Having the whole entire house clean at one time is a godsend!
I did remove myself from my office long enough to vacuum and mop my floors...just in time for the kiddos to come home from school and dump their crap all over it :-( Oh well, such is life!
I once read a blog where the girl was totally addicted to Pine-sol...she would fill her sink with it every day just to be able to smell it and take it in...not a bad idea so that other people think you are in the process of cleaning...hey, I think I am on to something...
And...Addy isn't potty training you silly...Not even Jenner is...little turd...anyways, I couldn't resist a teeny tinsy baby bum in undies...so seriously adorable...I might have a problem!
Cleaning with no distractions and music blairing is the best. It's like the only time i REALLY get things done!
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