When we aren't at baseball, swimming lessons or on vacation, the little dudes have been living it up at home cramming in as much "water fun" and friend time as they possibly can.
I told Ryno that road trips with all the boys are easier than staying home & hosting the entire hood all summer. And I meant it - until I went to Smith's to hit up the shoe sale with the my entourage and each one of them promised they could carefully drive a tiny kid cart to tote around the shoes we would find them for school, and then --I don't know, perhaps my ankles were bloodied when I finally vice gripped Ace's mini cart and stared into his little face with venom as I quietly summoned all my willpower to spew out, "Stop banging that DAMN thing into me or so help me I will commandeer this vehicle and strap you in to your car seat for the rest of your life."
Not my prettiest mama moment, but a summer truth.
So, with my new perspective I decided "Water fun" and lemonade stands with up to a dozen little boys in my yard is actually preferred over taking boys shopping.
And for the record, every lemonade stand must be rigged with a booby trap or two to keep the product safe from potential wild customers. :)
Enjoying Homework:
OK, so they don't always LOVE it but they're doing well at avoiding the "summer slide" as they do their homework each day. Something about seeing them all lined up at the bar concentrating on literally dotting their I's and crossing their T's makes my mama heart so happy.
Even Boone gets in on the action here and there.
Enjoying BBQs:
Meals that Daddy cooks on the grill taste better + our house stays nice and cool.
Pirate gear is optional, but encouraged. :)
Pirate gear is optional, but encouraged. :)
And we shove our fingers in fresh produce that require absolutely zero prep.
Enjoying New Tricks:
Boone is enjoying all his new-to-us baby equipment. We have my sister's baby gym and a little walker from my Mom's house and this boy -- ugh, he is going to be walking in mere months.
I'll be crying in a corner but we'll save that for another post entirely.
Enjoying Gifts:
Gifts that keep giving. Dax played laser tag at a little friend's house and he just HAD to get some for Dad for Father's day. Dax is a cunning little fox and he knows how to gauge the "kid friendliness" of all gifts bestowed upon all family members. This one scored a perfect ten!
Enjoying Long Naps:
Baby squish is just a free bonus. Oh my heart...that little wad of baby dough around his knees is just enough to put a girl over the edge of delirium. LOVE.

Enjoying Matching Tie Sundays:
I will do it until they really put their feet down... and then I'll do it for one more year after that. :)
And there you have it. A little cheerful dose of summery things for today.
Tomorrow's forecast says HOT, so more summery, splashy posts to come.
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