Boone turned three months old on us this past week!
If I had a penny for every time this little lamb smiled at me, I'd be a rich woman. He is the smiliest little love and he smiles with his eyes, his cheeks, his mouth -- his entire body! I've said it before, but I'll say it again... it's so cute I want to bash my head into the wall. A-dorable.
At three months Boone LOVES to be talked to. He is very aware of his surroundings but is especially in love with people. All people. He likes playing under his play mat and is reaching for the toys with his hands and feet. He loves to be swaddled to sleep. He still doesn't sleep all the way through the night, but waking once or twice is a vast improvement over what he has been doing.
He is SO adored by his brothers is makes me marvel. His hair is just starting to thin but he still has quite a healthy mop of it. He is a guzzler and likes his mama's milk. He hates running errands in the car but will sleep for long periods of time in his car seat if we hit a freeway on a road trip.

He sings and coos and makes the cutest little baby sounds of all time. He is a tall drink o' water and wears 6-month clothing. He has a slight dimple in one of his cheeks just like his daddy-o... for which his mama is so grateful!

If you can't tell - we are over the moon for our Boone! It's his world, folks... we're just living in it!
Happy 3 Months Our Smiley Boy!
AAAAHHHH, he is soooo dang cute. Lucky mom, lucky boy! Adorable pictures!!
These are so cute!! Love them and I love the black and white one 7th down!!
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