On Saturday we ventured out with the whole fam to see the Ogden Temple. The open house was something that the boys had been looking forward to ever since they announced in primary that,
"All of you can go INSIDE the temple during an open house!"
Tickets were prompted booked.
It was a gorgeous cool day even though Ry and I were sweating at the thought of taking in our rowdies to this sacred place full of reverence and breakables. Turns out, they could sense the holiness and were ANGELIC during the entire tour. It was insanely pleasant.
The interior finish work is gorgeous and there were some "OOHS" and "AAHHS" even from our rough and tumble boys. Which is really saying something.
Kael kept reminding his brothers that this is the second temple he has been in since he got to go inside the Manti temple as a baby. Dax quickly reminded him that he was there too, "inside Mommy's tummy eating all her food." Correct and Correct.

And here's the million dollar family shot. Yes, we're actually just outside the temple. No, you would never know since we are facing it. You try to pry some eager little boys away from a water feature and let me know how that goes for y'all. Ok then.
Celebratory lunch at Chick-Fil-a, of course. We're fancy like that. This is when all our boys told us they are going to get married in the "cactus temple" because it's their favorite and the beehives look like ice cream cones and Grandma Clement works there.
Correct again, little gents.
And you know what? I hope you do get married at the St. George temple! I'll be there with mascara running down my face, but a smile on my face.
P.S. This is a shot of my back row Joes. They were looking so coordinated and handsome I couldn't resist. AND it must be documented that Kael gave a talk in Primary about temples yesterday. He did SUCH a good job and spoke right up into the microphone and reeled 'em right in with his awesome props and all. It was adorable and Dax Man gave him a hug afterwards and told him,
"You did a really great job on your talk, Kael."
And then I died of happiness.
The End.
AWESOME! Cora had a talk yesterday too! Unlike Kael, she chickened out and refused to talk into the microphone, so I got to do the talking while she held up the visual aids....*sigh* Maybe next time.
Love this..love temples and even awesome how they could feel the amazing feeling of temples
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