You know the urgency you feel when you're trying to prep your home for a new baby and you want to finish the musical rooms game and get everything "just so" asap? Or how about the frenzy of house cleaning, packing, arranging for the feeding of the dog and the picking up of the mail with the neighbors right before you go on a trip?
Well, the end of summer, "we're almost to enter fall and a schedule and let's just live balls to the wall for the next couple of weeks until it's really gone" syndrome MIGHT outdo both of those. I'm speaking from experience. Holy Geez, I'm in a melluva hess trying to get every last drop of summer wrung out.
These first two pictures I consider to be my boys' ice bucket challenges. That water was ICE cold and they laughed hysterically. The glee on the "water spout operator's" face says it all.
How about this? Dirtiest boys and dirtiest dog you ever did see. Literally they went from ditch to dirt. They wreaked something awful but they looked cute. That afternoon was basically one from the scenes of Dennis the Menace - no lie, antic after antic I survived (barely)
But everyone loves a little bout with trouble now and again. Or so I tell myself.
We really tried to keep up our school work this summer. And total side note but worth mentioning.... we've decided to NOT send our little Kindergartner to school this year. Remember how he just turned five at the very end of July? Apparently that puts him past the deadline to play any rec sports since the deadlines for those are April 30th. Since we're pretty sure our little agile wrestler/tackler will have something to do with organized sports, and we're sure he would like to play with kids he knows from school that are his own age, we opted to "red shirt" him this year.
We're really happy about it and he isn't phased in the least. We might do the same thing for Dax next year or maybe we'll send them both to Kindergarten... they are, after all, our little Irish twins. We'll play it by ear, but we do know that one more year of preschool - read: road trips with our trio of little men and a flexible schedule equals a Total VICTORY for all!
Ace Face has really been on a role with his twonager antics. In fact, we just got this picture from Kim's wedding in April and we busted up at Ace's mug. Fine - everyones. But seriously... A Hulk Smash impersonation right as the camera clicked? What are the chances?
Off the charts HIGH if you know this brood.
And it should be noted that Ryno requested that I bottle peaches for him. Actually he said, "Remember you thought you couldn't make rolls and then you totally nailed it? I bet you could do that with bottled peaches too. Do it for me, babe." Ugh. He knows me too well. Issue a challenge and cloak it under the guise of an act of love?
Yep. I roadtripped it down to my home town to spend one LONG night being the modern day pioneer wifey of his dreams with a little help from my mama. I'm not gonna lie. Bottling food is a lengthy process but BAM. Happy Hubs - Lots of Lubs? I don't know... I have a canning hangover.
And so do they. Man it won't be long before I don't look back and see this. So I'm soaking it in. In a somewhat frantic fashion lately... but you can see why. :)