Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Of Ditches...

My kids have had a healthy dose of the devil in them lately.  It's the lethal summer combination of too much sun, too many long days, too few naps and not enough structure to their schedules.
I get it.  I don't like it.  But I do get it.
I'm about to share with you some medicinal concoction for a case of the crazy summer days...
Ditches + some sort of flotation device to chase down the current.
Ya heard me... I said, ditches.  I walked my trio of havoc makers to the ditch a neighborhood over and there I sat in the sun/shade for the next two hours listening to the giddy little sounds of boys exploring, splashing and catching pontoon planes.
 I don't know why it took me so long?  It's basically a nature infused splash park... Mother Earth's actual lazy river... and in our case, the added bonus of rocks to collect and splash makes it better than any manmade version.
Plus there were tunnels.
That's how I was informed of the out-of-this-world feature this ditch possessed in multiples.
We're teaching them all about the finer things in life, you know.  In fact, there may or may not have been a couple of stealth bathroom breaks during our stint at the ditch.
We're really good parents like that.
Suddenly my little holy terrors seemed less terrible.
Dare I say Big K looks almost cherubic in this picture?  Yep, that's the power of the ditch, y'all.
We'll be back.
Otherwise, Dax Man will probably make a run for it on his own and never come back.
Not kidding.


Chrystie said...

That looks like a pretty nice ditch! You make me wish I had a ditch close by.

The Sutherland Family said...

Looks like the perfect place for them! Did you see any snakes? I would be scared!