Because it's the spice of life, you know.
Making: Zuchinni Mini Muffins. Acey devours them and calls them cookies.

A little Ring around the Rosies looks like this... half strangulation half fun.
Cooking: Last night? Hawaiian Haystacks. I can basically eat my weight in the good stuff. Which defeats the whole "serve up healthy meals" thing... but alas.
Drinking: Jacked Diet Cokes. Heard of 'em? H.E.A.V.E.N. Diet coke spiked with sugar free coconut flavor. Mmmmm.
Reading: Would you judge if I listed off the Llama Llama books? Because that's about it... for real. I'm open to suggestions.

Ready for school. So dang handsome I could just MOOSH him.
Wanting: A night off. JACKPOT! Going out with a good girl friend tonight once the Mister returns from a work trip. Holy smokes I'm giddy.
Looking: At snow on our mountains. My boys are basically wildlife watcher ninjas and they informed me as they were scoping out the landscape Wednesday afternoon that the seasonal change is official thanks to our blanketed mountain peaks.
Playing: Play Doh. Cold weather equals the return of the ice cream shop.
Wasting: Time on Pinterest each evening. Although, as I listen to my two biggest littles talk and sit "pinning" outside their bedroom door it feels like anything but a waste.
Wishing: For shutters. I cleaned the blinds yesterday and I literally feel as if the odds are 50/50 whether I will clean the blinds or cut off my left arm.
Cute helpers do, in fact, maybe change the odds to 52/48 in favor of blinds.
Enjoying: My flower pots full of yellow mums. They just make me happy flanking my garage door and lining my porch.
Waiting: To download a new (to us) TV series to watch with my boyfriend in the post baby bedtime hours. Ahhh the golden hours. But what should we watch? Do tell.
Liking: The change of season. The crisp air feels good despite my protests to summer's end.

Wondering: What we'll do tomorrow. We need a big adventure after we show off our soccer skills. Kaelster has requested his favorite Mexican restaurant. Atta boy Big K...
Loving: My hubs. {Mush fest coming} He's fairly dreamy all being a sexy daddy-o and providing this fairytale life of mine. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Get home already!
Hoping: For less discard piles. The outsides of Oreos, the Smartie wrappers, the shoes and socks x 3, the random Batman in my shower, the occasional car in the bed. You know. The discard piles.
Marveling: At my BIG little boys. The things they DO! The things they SAY! I never in my wildest dreams thought motherhood would make me laugh so often or so hard.

Smelling: Lemon Oil. 'Twas time to oil the cabinets again. OK, probably premature but I'm addicted to the sheen and smell of it all.
Wearing: Jeans & a Baseball Tee. I mean really, is there anything else?
Following: Around my little posse of men cleaning up toilets. Is it possible the urine smell has made it's way beneath the tiles?
Is it possible that the lashes have grown even longer and the lips pursier?
Noticing: My affinity for all things microfiber. Can I even clean with a regular old rag now? Barely...
Knowing: The holidays are coming... can I start shopping or is that just ridiculous?
Thinking: I am in a good spot. Which logically gets me wondering when the other shoe will drop? Why is that?
The natural fashion blogger and his avante gard get up. Kudos little fierce one.
Bookmarking: Little man herringbone vests for a possible family picture idea I have.
Opening: The door to my neighbor who comes bearing gifts... pint sized perfectly ripened pears! OH PEARS!
Giggling: All the time, but unfortunately the hot topic of the now is potty words. "Pee Pee" followed by chorus of giggles?

The new "take my picture" smile. It slays me.
Feeling: Incredibly blessed. And happy. And fulfilled. Who knew these years as a full-time Wifey & Mom would really end up being my schtick? Lucky girl, I am.
1 comment:
Can't wait to see these vests you talk of and i didn't know that the jacked diet coke's coconut flavoring is sugar free- makes em even better!
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