You know, everyone told us, "Oh, Terrible Twos... Grrrr."
Then everyone told us, "Oh no, THREE is the new TWO... Grrr."
And now Kaelster is all nearly four and totally sweet and helpful except for those rare moments when bed time is past... and Daximus wakes up ready to stir up all sorts of trouble every darn day. He smiles in the morning, downs his chocolate milk, and there it is... that little flicker of mischief.
Sometimes I think he is just bad for no other reason but the pure love of being three and naughty. And lets face it... I secretly love it (on most occasions). Just as I did with his older, blonder brother... The original outlaw at this saloon. And I'll probably love it just as much with Acey, if I don't kill over dead of orneriness before then. :)
Let me give you an example of Dax and his sassy ways...
Me: "Dax, please don't hang on the door knobs." (He has a thing with hanging/dangling/clinging the likes of which I have never seen before.)
Him: "I'm not hanging... I'm exercising."
Or take this wicked little anecdote... perhaps it will tickle your fancy.
Me: "Dax, please don't spit in the car. That's gross."
Him: "Mommy I'm just making the sound the elephant says."
And last but not least...
Me: "Dax, Mommy said 'No'. That means we don't do it."
Him: "You don't say no to me! You say, 'OK Daxi' and then you Do IT!"
(You wanna know how much it blows my mind hearing my own words spouted right back at me? Mind.Blown.)
He knows how to create a rational argument better than most grown adults. I suppose I don't really have much room to complain, because I myself have been known to be a little toothy, plus, as I mentioned, he just watched three quarters of an entire season of "Surviving Your First Three-Year-Old" courtesy of Kaelster. And let's just say, he memorized a LOT of his favorite lines from that little comedic sitcom.
Oh Dax... Good thing you're cute. And fast. And your parents have built up a bit of tolerance... the size of the Great Wall of China.

And sometimes you wear even your little self right out... because we all know that it takes great deal of energy to be such a naughty little three-year-old.
Thank the Good Lord. :)
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