So, it happened.
My littles got a little bit bigger on me this past month and pulled a big boy maneuver. I don't know exactly what sparked it, but those little men of mine ganged up on me one afternoon and told me,
"Mommy, we wanna sweep in the same room!"
My littles got a little bit bigger on me this past month and pulled a big boy maneuver. I don't know exactly what sparked it, but those little men of mine ganged up on me one afternoon and told me,
"Mommy, we wanna sweep in the same room!"
I immediately poo-pooed the idea mumbling something like, "When pigs fly, gents... I already went down that road, remember?" And when that didn't work I just stalled... "Maybe. You guys didn't love it the last time we tried, so we'll have to see how things go today."
Well, long-story short, the issue did not dissipate as I expected it would. There were not so subtle hints (please note the head lamps above) along with unsolicited promises of rule abiding and an extreme show of manners unlike ever before. So, out came the old blow up mattress which we made up all warm and snuggly and in went two little boys dressed for sleep into the big basement guest room... happy as clams and cute as could be.
After I threatened their general health and longevity if they came out of the room - I camped outside the door secretly listening to them talk and giggle and tell stories from the day. Then I heard it. The magical sound of brotherhood, wafting through the airwaves to tickle my eardrums...
"Daxi, you want me to read you a story?"
"Yes, I do."
"OK, This is the story of the Cat in the Hat," Big K said, and on he went, talking about the bored little twosome whose afternoon was interrupted by that naughty cat who caused trouble and, "OH MAN HE MAKES A MESS!" Followed by a frantic chant of "HURRY! HURRY! That Mom is comin' and she will be so mad 'OUT' you!"
I sat there on the couch, smiling and begging the tears pooled in my eyes to not spill out over the brims as I lamely held out my phone trying to capture the audio of angels coming from the room next to me and I just felt overwhelming happy & proud with an undertone of sadness. How did they get so grown up so fast? I mean, not even once did a little foot wander out for a late night adventure?
So, we've made it their home.
And we've made it all about cars and "super bery awesome colors" and "yots of tools" for our little motor heads per their request.
And we're trying to figure out just how to fit one more matching bed in the big room for the third little piglet. You know, Just in case. :)

And just tonight, as I was typing up this little saga, I heard this...
"It's OK, Buddy. Don't worry. You're wif Dax."
Holy Heavens I LURRRVE them!
Sheer Amazingness, you know?
(Gushing is almost over... hang tight)
And I just love that they want to be near one another. I love that they "read" to one another. I love that they recount the details of their days together and drift off to dreamland together. And, really, would it be too much to ask that they love each other this much for all the days of their boyhood lives and right on into adulthood?
It's just a TINY request Big Man... Thanks in advance. :)
P.S. - All you room sharing proponents were right on the money.
Just thought I'd send out that satisfaction to y'all.
Room sharing of tiny boys = MAGIC.
I love it. There is special connection between siblings that parents will never have. I am an avid "door-sitter" and listen to the littles talk each other to sleep every night. And there is always room for Ace man - bunk beds!!
The room looks AMAZING! Glad they finally figured it out without almost killing you like last time :-) Great job!
Such a cute cute room! All that planning and waiting paid off!
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