Thursday, April 11, 2013

MNL or TNL or WNL...

One of the perks of having a gainfully employed spouse is that sometimes, work hours stretch into the late evening hours.  Are you picking up my sarcasm or should I just spit it out already?  OK, this week, even though he was only out of town just one night, we have yet to see our Daddy-o around these parts on any given evening due to dinner meetings with clients, Young Men's duties, catching up from playing hooky in Hawaii, you name it.  And while I could totally whine about it all... I am guessing you yourself are in some kind of similar boat.  The boat with the missing co-captain.
At least it ain't sinking, yeah?

Soooo, after night three of Operation Solo Mia, I opted to take pictures while the littles went berserk for the last half hour of the day.  Because someone may or may not have had them all bathed, brushed and ready for bed a good thirty minutes before night fall.  Eager much, Amber?  Geez.  

Anywho, they were, (pardon my crass) full on "balls to the wall" this particular evening, chucking bouncy balls "HIGH IN THE SKY" over and over and over again.  And Lawd knows we have ourselves a grand collection of bouncy balls...  Yep, many a quarter done died at the "dog store" as unabashed bribes for good behavior played out.

Meanwhile, little man played the Rocky theme song in the background all Linus-like on his little piano and his mad concert skills escalated the ball throwing into rogue couch jumping and eventually "human chariot" races.  And here's my take on it all.

I have decided that this whole evening "show your craziest stunts game" is fine.  Totally rad in fact.  Furthermore, I have decided to consider it my high five for a day well played... this while I snap pictures of the whole thing from my butt in the corner of a primary colored play room.  Because, in all seriousness, there is not a whole lot of other places I would rather be than that squeal infested, ball zippin', Rocky theme song playin', bonus room turned preschool with a bunch of silly little brothers.  Except maybe right there with their Papa Bear too.

Low expectations... Key to Success y'all.  :)  
Or a Plethora of 25 Cent Bouncy Balls.  Your Call. 

1 comment:

Chrystie said...

My sister got a fortune cookie yesterday that said, "Those with no expectations are never disappointed." Aim low and succeed!