This past weekend I was supposed to be enjoying warmer weather and sunnier skies on my annual girls trip to the home show. For a myriad of reasons it didn't work out. And when I was finally big enough to admit it just wasn't in the cards this year, I whined a little to RyGar and then we quickly decided we just needed a little out of the ordinary flare to enhance a weekend at home.
RyGar, whom I will refer to as my gypsy lover :), the one who likes to see the sun set on new landscapes and wake to the possibility of self guided tours through uncharted streets, was quick to agree, and he used his Marriott status to get us a free room in the big city away from our usual weekend antics. And he smiled like the cat that ate the canary when he realized he wouldn't be the Lone Ranger with the boys all weekend. He must be livin' right.
Turns out - the littles have inherited the Gypsy gene as well. Little guys love 'em some change of scenery and the Concierge Lounge. Not that I can blame them.
They were stoked to pull their little monogrammed suitcases through the hallways and up and down the elevators. There were endless button pushes on every single elevator ride. And several pit stops at the ice machines. I get it... I thought hotels were pretty much Heaven when I was little and there's still something about not having to empty your own garbage cans, right?

They were a little confused at all of this "trip" talk. We have been prepping them for our first extended departure sans kids which is circled, highlighted, "hearted" and exclamation-pointed on the calendar in the coming weeks and part of those conversations have been about "Mom & Dad taking a trip while you stay at Grandma & Grandpa's house..." well, they were mystified as to when Grandma & Grandpa were coming to take them swimming and when they would get to ride Grandpa's four-wheelers and when Mommy was leaving, but "she will always come back and get me." Oh, it was silliness all the way around, but good to hear that some of this prep work is sticking... maybe?

The littlest little thinks he is the cleverest lad in the world.
I mean, playing peek-a-boo in the curtains? Silliness x 20 minutes.
And here, you can see why dread was the overarching emotion of the parents as we looked toward impending bed time. But alas, turns out swimming is our BFF when it comes to hotel stays.
Little tired soldiers cured their massive case of the munchies and then zonked out with not a single problem much to our amazement.

Mermen... every last one of 'em.
Wait, is that too unmanly?
I meant, deep sea explorers or Michael Phelps Jrs. or Navy Seals.
Yeah. That will do.
And THAT is a wrap.
Although, if you've got a free stay you're just dying to put to good use... you know who to call. We're givers like that. We just give n' give n' give n' give.
Thanks my boys. You showed your mama a great time.
And I loved every single minute of it!
1 comment:
I kind of hate you right now..cuz you still got a semi-vacay and I got stuck here with all the sickies and we are just now coming out of it..whew I thought I might not make it and from the news of the good doc and nater..we have a 97% chance of being on for some months..thats right months of some more TLC..not sure if I have it in me..but we can pray...
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