Actually, I got lots but they are all trickling little fleeting thoughts of "OOoh I MUST share this on le blog" and then I forget to type the ever important phone note so I remember and then it's gone except for maybe one little lame thesis sentence. Blasphemy.
SOOO... here is a bunch of "stuff" in no particular order with no real rhyme or reason and yet there are a couple of golden nuggets, aka gems, from RyGar and the littles. It's a regular rare jewel mine around here.
Let's begin now with RyGar.
When you hear the chime ring like this, turn the page.
{And how was that for a walk down memory lane?}
"How lame are you being right now?
Geez, I just left and you didn't even know.
What if I ran away? (trying not to smile)
Well, really I thought about it, but then I realized, well, no one would ever know, anyway.
So the point was moot."
<Staring bewildered and absolutely clueless at this little rant from the romantic glow of the computer screen at the semi-joking, semi-serious Ryno>
It seems that perhaps RyGar needs a dose of lovin. Poor baby. I am on it because I really do adore that boy and life would be ever so boring without him. Facebook be damned. I don't contribute a thing anyway because, hello, I need, like, a good four paragraphs before I even get close to making a point let alone a joke. WHO can make things funny on there in one to three sentences? And I have turned into a voyeur of sorts and since I've been feeling guilty about that I have checked out. I just don't really get you Facebook. Sorry Zuckerberg.
Next, and almost as important... We are out of Grapefruits. Like, OUT. And Lawd knows that grapefruits have become a massive part of my caloric intake every day. I guess you could say I'm on a "grapefruit diet" but its laced with Cadbury cream eggs? And No lie, I buy them in bulk at my Costco and then I have been known to eat THREE entire grapefruits with my fancy-dancy serrated grapefruit spoons in the course of the day. I am on a citrus high. I probably smell zesty. Which is better than a lot of alternatives, no?
Speaking of citrus, I am in the process of lemon oiling every piece of solid wood furniture we own. Probably because I am parched from this dry winter air, so I can only imagine the state of my dressers. But mainly because every single piece of nice furniture we own has teeth marks on it. Like, I am convinced that laminate furniture must taste like crap, because ONLY the good stuff has been sampled by my little varmints. Pure pine, amazing alder, marvelous maple - that's where it's at y'all.
Let's fully exhaust the citrus theme and throw a big shout out to UNCLE RAY & AUNT VICKIE. Hey There! Love you! Where's our fetchin' lemons? :) Please don't tell me they fell victim to your unseasonably cold Mesa winter? And they blame everything on global warning these days. The nerve.
How about the fact that I did a little mad scientist experiment with the big littles today and they ate it up? I put baking soda in muffin tins, some with drops of food coloring and gave them a bowl and syringes of vinegar and if that wasn't the best thing those little boys had ever witnessed. Did you hear that? That was the roar of the crowd... and the neon VICTORY light above this mama's head. Again, pinterest is kind of rocking my world right now and since the little rascals don't know these aren't my original ideas I just soak in all the credit like a big old credit hog.
Lastly, I have been on a "get it organized" kick that was "kick started" by my need to type out schedules for our kiddos so RyGar and I can go celebrate our ten-year wedding Anniversary just a few years late... (Weird, I mean, what were we so busy doing these last three years?) I asked my sister to come over, walk through the entire house like a potential buyer and lay out my "to-do" list. Nope, not selling. Yep, probably gonna have family come stay with a couple of kiddos. And Yep, mild to moderate case of OCD. Any whootie, turns out sis has a bright future in "Dude, this looks like crap at your house" consulting work. No, for real, I asked her not to sugar coat it and, well, she took my request seriously. She is the next big thing. Like, Super Nanny for super naughty kids? She is the super honest home consultant for your cluttered areas. I have guilt over my junk drawer & I'm just sweatin' at the possibility that she is gonna find it and smack me with a ruler or something. Thanks, Lou. :)
And THAT, is a complete transmission of nonsense as we wind down the month o' love. Seriously I need to go powder my nose after that one. Kudos if you stuck with me. SERIOUS kudos.