Let's strike that comment from the record.
Or we can just add this one to it...
We are white trash.
Because we visited the amusement park on Saturday and...
We totally rocked it...
Wet pants, sticky faces, giggly goodness and all.

Let me present it to you in pictures (of course) and numbers...
2 Two-Year-Olds of Our Own... Yeah - those Cute Ones.
6 Cousins ages six and under
2 Aunts
2 Uncles
1 Grandma
1 Grandpa
A RyGar &
An Amber
4 Total Changes of Clothing for my Rug rats
8 Hours of Non Stop Rides/Food/Water/Walking
100 Degrees Baby... Yep, 100 Degrees
2 Applications of SPF 50

1 Stroller full of Crap
8 Water Bottles
2 Diet Cokes
2 Hooded Towels
1 Bag of Cotton Candy
3x Down Rattlesnake Rapids
2x on the Log Ride
0 Tears
(OK, one fleeting moment of tears when RyGar used Dax as an umbrella accidentally on the log ride and the little dude got fully saturated and then quickly got over it - that doesn't really count.)

0 Meltdowns
HEEEEELLLLLLOOOOO? (Yes, I typed that all shouty and rude but seriously.... can you even believe that? Me neither. There is hope. :) Hope in the Universse.)
2 Naps in a matter of moments once little hind ends hit car seats

1 Adorable Babe picked up from the babysitter
3 Happy, Amazing Chilluns rollin' around on the floor all clean and bejammied and fed.
2 Tired Parents
The End.
And now, Mama must regroup, and pack another diaper bag...
We're off to celebrate our Country's Birthday.
Whaaaaa? Only 2 diet cokes? You must be totally white trashed up if that's all you got! heehee...and Laughing hysterically at the Dax-umbrella incident...sounds like something a certain guy I know would do!
WOW! I can't do that with 2 older kids. You are a super star! Have fun this week. YEEHAA
<3 the number thing :)
Cracking up that Ryan used poor Dax as an umbrella!
I'm loving your cute little cowboys in your post below. I'm not even going to show T the boots because he will be so jealous!
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