I wore a rock star outfit today. Curled my hair. Put on some spicy little earrings and some red lipstick. We had a bajillion errands to run and I dawned my game face and packed all my secret tricks in the big yellow purse.
And we nailed it. Home Depot, Costco, the bank, the car wash, Sonic (to refuel) and finally Target. My little pee pots had hung in like champs but nature called and they had to go and I caught a glimpse of moi in the mirror. And my rock star mama status was immediately stripped away.
Fly down.
H&M price tag dangling from my leopard print shirt.
Holy fetch I need a Tinker Bell or a Jimminy Cricket to hover near me and alert me when I'm about to burst my own bubble. C'mon y'all, couldn't someone have told me waaaay back at Home Depot or Costco?
Is it truly impossible for me to be cool and classy at this stage of life? I am having flashbacks of Mrs. Okerlund from my home town who wore red heels, red lipstick and pearls with her jeans and she looked so stellar all the time. She had kids. I believe her kids had bodily fluids. How the heck did she keep it all together all the time? Teach me, Mrs. O. Teach Me.
I'm really just trying to put the effort in so I don't find myself in frump attire being ambushed by Stacy and Clinton as the next "What Not to Wear" client. Is that too much to ask?
Sheesh. Maybe next Friday, if you see me out and about, you could do me a solid and let out a courtesy whistle, eh?! Thanks a billion. And happy weekend!
Thats awesome! Thanks for the laugh although I know it's still embarrassing.someone should have said something :0
haha! Awesome! I would've had your back :) Love the shoes....I have them too!
Oh man...I don't even get dressed anymore...hahaha...you are sexy and classy and many a'woman would love to be just like you!!!
Good job getting all dressed up! At least you are putting forth an effort to look nice! A lot of times the most effort I put into running errands is to say a little prayer before I go into the store that no one I know will see me :)
I would totally have had your back and how is it that I can't seem to blog lately..I just caught up on yours and you are a blogging fool..and that pic of kael peeing outside..downright hysterical. And who cares about the fly down and tag on..at least you have new cute clothes and you totally get an A for effort.
and ps...Mrs. O only had 3 kids that were each 5 years apart...hello if that were us we would totally have our shiz more together and our high heels on..until then we are so doing awesome.
im sure you looked great and i bet no one even noticed it was down!!
You should just not get ready one day...just one, I dare ya! ;)
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