Fact... I just paid to have someone wash my windows and you know what? It was worth every red cent. (What exactly does that saying mean? Is it a reference to pennies? Weird.) Anyway, instead of feeling like we're going cave spelunking (Real word... Real awesome that I worked it into this post) I feel like dancing a jig in my well lit home. Who knew that those horizontal sleet/snow/rain storms that our home town is famous for could paint our windows with such a thick coat of nasty. Nastiness... be gone!
Fact... I hate backing up photos. HATE.IT. Here I sit typing while my computer is burning a zillion pics onto DVDs and it is a good thing I have this blog as a little distraction or I might just go ape sh*&. For real. NOTHING is harder than sitting here in the middle of a sunny day during nap time. Are you impressed with my dedication? Don't be... if I was dedicated I wouldn't have to catch up on six months worth of photos. Dang.
Fact... I love and loathe having the boys play so well together. LOVE it for obvious reasons. They giggle and crack one another up and entertain themselves for far longer than I ever imagined was possible. Loathe it because they are teaming up on me... those sneaky little suckers! They are proof positive that two heads are better than one for making mischief. My only saving grace is that they aren't both silently sneaky. If Dax Man is out of sight and silent.... RUN. He has likely climbed atop the roof and is prepping to do a Spiderman stunt. But Kaelster? He is my own personal siren. He busts a gut every time they are about to make trouble and then I know to come running. Thank you, Big K.

Fact... Ace is currently sporting the "Bib of Shame". Poor little dude is a drooling mess and if those dang teeth don't pop out soon his little red chin will get wiped off of his face completely. As a strange side note... his favorite toy of the moment is a whisk which he discovered thanks to his big brothers who hand him random stuff and then proclaim that they "Are a Good Boy". Yes, a wire whisk from the kitchen. He even has that sweet little "Sophie the Giraffe" that is supposed to be THE teething toy, but it pales in comparison to his beloved whisk. Strange I know. Maybe he'll be a chef someday?
Fact... My favorite meal/snack is apples and peanut butter. I know that makes me sound like a Kindergarten student, but I love it. That, along with Diet Coke, wholeheartedly sustain me on a daily basis. They aren't great together, but alone, they work wonders in this gal's day. If you are currently hungry I highly recommend you go slice up a red delicious.
Speaking of my boyfriend, Diet Coke... it is a fact that I love Sonic. I don't know how they stay in business though, because no lie, one out of every two visits I get a "Talk to Sonic" survey and if I complete it I get a free drink. Duh. I get a free drink ALL the time. Also, (and this is a sacrifice to share this information, but I'll do it because I am a friend) Sonic offers "Window Stickers" on Black Friday. A Window sticker gets you any beverage, any time for $1.50 with tax. I have a window sticker this year. Each location gets limited quantities of window stickers. But there you go... on Black Friday 2012 don't go to Target or Old Navy... RUN to Sonic. There I said it. I shared one of my most coveted secrets. No one can say I am a selfish girl.
Fact... I love my Dad and he is super generous with his toys and homes and tickets and nice things like that BUT good old Grandpa HeeKoo has left me to the dogs and has teamed up with the little men (and the big man). He gave us Jazz tickets the other day along with instructions that went something like this, "Here Ryno, take one of my boys to the game." What the H? If you're going to give a gift you don't put stipulations on it that involve me not getting any part of the gift, do you? Rude. It's like I am no longer the apple of his eye... he likes my big littles too much. Let's be real, I don't blame him.
Fact... Smith's was out of "car carts" the other day and I avoided a near meltdown by pointing out the mini carts and suggesting that the twiblings push one of those around. Big Mistake. Huge. Daximus lost his mind when after our very quick grocery run he had to return said cart. I have never seen him throw quite a fit. It was epic for my mellow little Daxi. It may be a while before I return to Smith's to avoid seeing the mini carts.
Fact... RyGar is one tough hombre unless A) He has a cold or B) He opens the door and is greeted by someone selling something. Particularly little neighbor kids who have a fundraiser or are selling cookies or suckers or "pretty rocks". If it weren't so adorable and predictable, I would have a long hard chat with him about this little chink in his armor. But it is just who my tough Ryno is. And the neighbor girls have his number. They bake up a little batch of something and come running on a random Saturday to the Gardner Res... where the Mister will buy them out every single time.
Fact... I still love blogging and I'm fairly certain I'm nearly alone on this one. I love that it makes me keep an account of our collective life no matter how menial. I love that it keeps me taking pictures. I love that it makes me write and string words and thoughts together. I guess, no, I KNOW, I am sappy, but some day I think I will lovingly flip through our blog books and pat myself on the back for this. And probably for backing up photos as painful as it may be.
Happy Trails... ;)
Um i did not know about the black sticker at sonic, and why did you not get me one!!! rude =)
Also, i'm into apples and pb too!
Did you know you can also buy yourself a nice "soft crunchy ice" machine and make your own drinks any time of the day?!! haha
You are not alone in the blogging world, you do have one friend who will hang in until the end! I'm afraid if I stop NO journaling will happen EVER and my kids LOVE looking through our past blog books!
I like blogging too :) never going to stop I don't think either :) So hey, you can keep reading mine and I'll read yours.
My girls discovered the mini carts at Albertson's the other day also, almost a disaster because they think they have to RUN with them but Kelsey doesn't know how to steer very well... ya, good thing things are mostly in cardboard boxes, not glass :)
You better not EVER stop blogging because- even though I am not good at updating mine- I LOVE to read yours! Your boys are adorable and I love the way you put things into words!
I know..I know I am a total blogging slacker as of late..but don't fret. I am gonna get back on my horse soon
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